Happy to have a Job

That's his story??? He acts like he is a Rockefeller! LOL! LOL! Builds a house, goes to the beach... NOW we know his fairy tale life..... BAW! HA! HA! HA!

I am a personal friend of Vince. Your posts are utter crap. He inherited a lot of wealth from his parents and doesn't even need this job. He only works to keep himself busy between his social obligations.I love him.

LOL! BA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! He came from Pottstown, Blue collar as it gets..... His wife has money. He only goes to HER parents beach house NOT Your boy Vince's..... LOL!!!!!

Enough is enough man. Get a life! It is very obvious that you wake up every morning and get on here and answer your own posts about this Vince guy. It is OBVIOUS! You have got to have the most worthless life imaginable for this to be the highlight of your day. Move on homie!

Enough is enough man. Get a life! It is very obvious that you wake up every morning and get on here and answer your own posts about this Vince guy. It is OBVIOUS! You have got to have the most worthless life imaginable for this to be the highlight of your day. Move on homie!

OK Vince, just be happy that your wife's family has money and have a house at Jersey shore. Why are you so bitter? They gave you a life that you could never have.

OMG! I haven't been on this site for a long time, and when I saw this, I thought of our fearless leader Vince. He always has said, "Be happy to have a job". Such a looser! Needs to get up off his butt and work.