Happy Thanksgiving from Mickey


He sends out a nasty letter with questions to answer on the evening of a holiday? Production or sales are down because - almost all of the drugs are not covered in many states - Pharmacies refuse to stock it unless you threaten them or refuse you entry.

Then corporate can not let the employees enjoy one holiday - this company is a laughing stock of other pharma companies - even docs ask why work there? They track us all day - make quotas up with a qtr already started - Usually business has a yearly plan before the year starts but at Lupin they change the goals after it already has started.

Oh - states that have the top reps - TX and FL - well everything is covered by insurance or medicaid.

When are companies like Lupin are going to realize that negative re-enforcement and threats do not promote productivity - but kill it.

That old school tactics are what they think works - maybe in the short term but long term it makes doctors and pharmacists think the company is full of assholes.

If they got to track us 24-7 and work us for hours a day - and yes even on a holiday - they email a book. They only company that emails a book in every email.

I seriously think that letter couldve gone out before the holiday week..why are reps responsible for practically no formulary coverage? can i have a job in managed care?? and why arent the DMs in their respective states meeting with their managed medicaid..other managers at other pharma companies do. other managers get out there and call on regional retail pharmacy managers to assure stocking. and the reps didnt invest in a product no my bad CLASS of drug and market that is going away anyway..but rep all i can out of nothing anyway.
Weve been bringing action, throwing granades, launching mistles, pulling mafia style moves for years to sell this stuff.
No rep at Lupin is living the dream job

What a dick move by a dick company.

The worst thing these idiots have done lately has to be the meetings that the "loser" reps have to go to. Way to totally kill the confidence of your reps by embarrassing them into going to a meeting because they are currently the "worst" reps. You REALLY want to humiliate a bunch of reps that were already down from having a slow quarter or two? Yeah, good thinking! A rep completely lacking self confidence is BOUND to better in the field.

Yes - the worst thing is these "Challenge" meetings with the role play. None of it works. Try challenging docs only pisses them off. Everyone of the reps that go make up the stories to please management. Just tell them what they want to hear.

Again - other pharma companies laugh at us with these elementary school games. Management must be desperate to keep their jobs. Wanting 25% and 15% growth in a down economy with ObamaCare is madness.

Management - if you want sales - then get the coverage on insurance in states and get it on Medicare and Medicaid plans!!! Force pharmacies at a national level to carry it. I know pharmacies trying not to carry it because they are not making money with it like other drugs that they are making bonuses on.