Happy New Year. Eastman Kodak stock detonates...


Currently at $ .18 (EIGHTEEN CENTS) a share, and falling fast. . .


I remember a time (not so long ago) when dental dealers FEARED losing their film products line and paid Kodak first each month. Kodak OWNED the film market. Look what piss poor management and refusing to acknowledge and embrace technology have done to this once venerable American institution. . .

Put a fork in them. They're DONE.

Good Riddance to another American embarrassment.

Jan 19, 2012

Kodak goes BK.

Good Riddance.

2 cents on the dollar coming and factory, patents and properties sells to china my prediction.

America goes BK next.

More examples of Hope & Change from fraud city.

Hi can you put me in touch with some Kodak old-timers who worked in the area that produced Iophendylate that was then sold to Lafayette Pharmacal to produce and sell a x-ray dye known as Pantopaque. My reason, I am writing a book on the life and death of Pantopaque and would like to get a better understanding on Kodak's role thanks Derek