Happy Birthday Gipper


Today is the great Ronald Reagan’s birthday. Reagan was the greatest president in our lifetimes. Trump has a chance to be almost as good, but because he’s not the principled, fully formed conservative that Reagan was, Trump will never be quite as good in my opinion, but make no mistake, Trump is either first or second as far as greatest presidents in our lifetimes. He and Reagan definitely fill the top two slots! So Happy Birthday President Reagan and thanks for being the first great MAGA president!


Today is the great Ronald Reagan’s birthday. Reagan was the greatest president in our lifetimes. Trump has a chance to be almost as good, but because he’s not the principled, fully formed conservative that Reagan was, Trump will never be quite as good in my opinion, but make no mistake, Trump is either first or second as far as greatest presidents in our lifetimes. He and Reagan definitely fill the top two slots! So Happy Birthday President Reagan and thanks for being the first great MAGA president!
Sybil/Sparky or another loser personality (ot lack thereof) are in need of attention. Again.

Today is the great Ronald Reagan’s birthday. Reagan was the greatest president in our lifetimes. Trump has a chance to be almost as good, but because he’s not the principled, fully formed conservative that Reagan was, Trump will never be quite as good in my opinion, but make no mistake, Trump is either first or second as far as greatest presidents in our lifetimes. He and Reagan definitely fill the top two slots! So Happy Birthday President Reagan and thanks for being the first great MAGA president!

Gipper? :p