H.R. Calls


Has anyone else got a call from H.R. with lots of questions about their district manager (ext/trauma) on the east coast.

Surprising things were said, Just curious about other peoples recent interactions.

I might say "clueless" but it has to do with the culture of the entire industry. Hiring paper pushers with no knowledge of how this industry works or what needs to be done to improve market share. Trauma products have almost become a commodity. What needs to happen is to set yourself apart from the pack who are descending upon the decision makers. Most of the managers I have met over the years have the book knowledge but lack the real world experience to implement any type of productive strategy. Smith & Nephew did have a strong presence on the east coast but over the years have lost good people and in turn the business they procured .

No one trusts S&N anymore as a trauma supplier. Too much turn and burn of reps, lacking field assets, changing company strategies and leadership, cancelled med ed, T&E, etc. In the acute care setting, the customer waits for no one. S&N talks a good game but they have lost all credibility. You can only reinvent yourself so many times before even your biggest supporters lose all faith in you.

Apparently rep threatened his manager over a comment he made about an old mentor, haven't heard much beyond that. Old news at this point, sounds like it happened a few times. They got rid of the rep, not the manager though.