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GSK's vaccine operating profit, margin dive on Novartis fold-in


They're talking about it on the GSK side of cafepharma, and even nailing it down to where it likely came from:

" They didn't do their HW on what they were getting or checking the financial health and status of multiple projects. What GSK based their projections on was projects/analysis that NVD performed on their own internally through the integration teams. No questioning of what was reported went on from the GSK counterparts. You had too many people on the NVD side of the integration team who were desperate to impress the right people at GSK and have secure jobs that they reported on only rosey good news scenarios. If you're GSK and reading this, I bet I know exactly where the higher than expected cost base came from and I guarentee you it came from Development. Am I right?? Lots of fraud, hidden spend and questionable accounting of costs and approvals. "

They're talking about it on the GSK side of cafepharma, and even nailing it down to where it likely came from:

" They didn't do their HW on what they were getting or checking the financial health and status of multiple projects. What GSK based their projections on was projects/analysis that NVD performed on their own internally through the integration teams. No questioning of what was reported went on from the GSK counterparts. You had too many people on the NVD side of the integration team who were desperate to impress the right people at GSK and have secure jobs that they reported on only rosey good news scenarios. If you're GSK and reading this, I bet I know exactly where the higher than expected cost base came from and I guarentee you it came from Development. Am I right?? Lots of fraud, hidden spend and questionable accounting of costs and approvals. "

Close...they only looked at the "unbiased" Mckinsey #'s which have run NVD into the ground since its inception...

They're talking about it on the GSK side of cafepharma, and even nailing it down to where it likely came from:

" They didn't do their HW on what they were getting or checking the financial health and status of multiple projects. What GSK based their projections on was projects/analysis that NVD performed on their own internally through the integration teams. No questioning of what was reported went on from the GSK counterparts. You had too many people on the NVD side of the integration team who were desperate to impress the right people at GSK and have secure jobs that they reported on only rosey good news scenarios. If you're GSK and reading this, I bet I know exactly where the higher than expected cost base came from and I guarentee you it came from Development. Am I right?? Lots of fraud, hidden spend and questionable accounting of costs and approvals. "

The current state of Dev is a legacy of Vas. And, something the took with him to NPS Dev.

They're talking about it on the GSK side of cafepharma, and even nailing it down to where it likely came from:

" They didn't do their HW on what they were getting or checking the financial health and status of multiple projects. What GSK based their projections on was projects/analysis that NVD performed on their own internally through the integration teams. No questioning of what was reported went on from the GSK counterparts. You had too many people on the NVD side of the integration team who were desperate to impress the right people at GSK and have secure jobs that they reported on only rosey good news scenarios. If you're GSK and reading this, I bet I know exactly where the higher than expected cost base came from and I guarentee you it came from Development. Am I right?? Lots of fraud, hidden spend and questionable accounting of costs and approvals. "

This has always been the case even before Vaccines went to GSK - the reality is just now becoming clear. The leadership at NVD never required realistic strategic planning that would result in actual results. There can be no arguments there as there never were any results. Look at Menveo and Bexzero. If GSK was expecting that to be different in the Dev Pipeline they are fools. There is no "fixing this"; all the projects were conceived and being executed to keep peoples jobs under the old model at NVD not like at an actual company where results are required. Good thing GSK didn't have to pay for this shit show.