You see this is where you don't get it! Sure a gravy train making a mediocre salary to do nothing. Yep its tempting, if you are complacent and lazy. So you'll just milk it and have zero self improvement, in fact like a leaky bucket, you'll go backwards, thinking you are making out. This is why it is a dead end career. Mediocre pay, for little work, turns you into an unmarketable sloth. This is why those trying to leave are having a hard time. Every employer out there knows about the drug repping gig, so many of you have failed when you have to actually have accountability and performance is measurable. Well get back to sleep you!
You make some good points. what you’re missing is that many of us “complacent…..sloths” have businesses, and/or other lucrative income streams in addition to the Glaxo gravy train.
When this boring gig is up, I’ll be self employed for the rest of my life, never having to answer to another Pharma idiot or feed office cows every day.