Easy money..if you are worried about a grand or two, then you've got other issues. Bottom line, unless you are within 5 years of retirement, you should get the hell out. For those who are near retirement, you will have to endure your final years being treated like a child. So humiliating! You will be forced to execute virtual meetings and being held to a quota. Call metrics will continue. Of course you will have to lie, cheat and steal in order to achieve the outrageous goals they give you. But lying, cheating and stealing is the foundation upon which GSK was built. Your last ounce of personal ethics will be squeezed out of you. You will look back on your career wishing you had the guts to speak up...you never did. Wishing you had the guts to leave on your own terms...you never will. For those with more than five years, you gotta get out! The corporate leadership and culture is horrific! I don't need to tell you that. I just accepted an offer and gave notice today. There are jobs out there. Companies are hiring. It's your choice. Either get out or stfu! We all made a deal with the devil. But the deal can be undone. It's up to you. Peace and health to all!