GSK Will soon be left with a bunch of crappy Reps & Managers


The only people that don’t mind staying at GSK are the Toxic Reps & managers. Flys have no problem landing in poop and walking all over it. They love it. That’s why the toxic reps and managers stay and don’t see a problem. All the mentally stable reps and managers have either left GSK OR are working on getting out.

Agree. Got my offer letter from another company making 30k more on my base salary. Leaving bc my disgustingly condescending rude DM. once my background clears this week. I’m putting my two weeks with HR.

Give them one month notice!!! They will get you checked out, car & samples picked up and gone within a day or two. Instead of a few days off with pay you get a full month, and you look like you're doing them a favor! 2 weeks notice is standard, 1 month gets you an extra 3 weeks with pay!

Agree. Got my offer letter from another company making 30k more on my base salary. Leaving bc my disgustingly condescending rude DM. once my background clears this week. I’m putting my two weeks with HR.

Congratulations. Use up all your vacation tho so you still get paid while you’re at the bee job. Might as well get your money’s worth from filthy GSK.

Give them one month notice!!! They will get you checked out, car & samples picked up and gone within a day or two. Instead of a few days off with pay you get a full month, and you look like you're doing them a favor! 2 weeks notice is standard, 1 month gets you an extra 3 weeks with pay!

Bang. Milk it. GSK has been taking advantage of you for ages.

Reps with ability and talent are leaving in droves! FLL's seem to be very content. Haven't heard of a single one leaving. What does that tell you? Fat and happy! If you have the opportunity to leave, do it!

Reps with ability and talent are leaving in droves! FLL's seem to be very content. Haven't heard of a single one leaving. What does that tell you? Fat and happy! If you have the opportunity to leave, do it!

Agreed. All FLL’s do is sit in their house and create more things for you to do. Fill out this tracker. Fill out this Winning formula tool. Let’s go on a field ride during a pandemic. The office will really like to see two people in their office (especially your manager who won’t stop talking and talking). Blah blah blah. We do all the work and get no bonus or barely anything. So many good reps are leaving and it’s great. The only talent coming to GSK are people who haven’t done their research enough to know GSK sucks. It’ll be impossible for them to retain talent. Anyone with talent is sure to leave if they aren’t a moron.

Listen please, when leaving milk the time.....Start your new job first, THEN give two weeks or END of the month notice.

Why? It takes time to clean things up for starters such as car and samples. Also, you work in a job where you can essentially lie about calls. Be creative and get paid my friends.

The longer you stay the more money, 401k, and pension you get....Don’t let easy money slip away.

If you’re really gutsy, double dip!

Easy money..if you are worried about a grand or two, then you've got other issues. Bottom line, unless you are within 5 years of retirement, you should get the hell out. For those who are near retirement, you will have to endure your final years being treated like a child. So humiliating! You will be forced to execute virtual meetings and being held to a quota. Call metrics will continue. Of course you will have to lie, cheat and steal in order to achieve the outrageous goals they give you. But lying, cheating and stealing is the foundation upon which GSK was built. Your last ounce of personal ethics will be squeezed out of you. You will look back on your career wishing you had the guts to speak never did. Wishing you had the guts to leave on your own never will. For those with more than five years, you gotta get out! The corporate leadership and culture is horrific! I don't need to tell you that. I just accepted an offer and gave notice today. There are jobs out there. Companies are hiring. It's your choice. Either get out or stfu! We all made a deal with the devil. But the deal can be undone. It's up to you. Peace and health to all!

Yes absolutely get out.
I accepted an offer and am getting out of GSK. My manager is spitting images of a pile of horse shit sitting on a Texas road on a hot summer day.

The worst and absolutely worst manager I have ever experienced and a dead soul who should be managing prisoners in a high security jail.

Easy money..if you are worried about a grand or two, then you've got other issues. Bottom line, unless you are within 5 years of retirement, you should get the hell out. For those who are near retirement, you will have to endure your final years being treated like a child. So humiliating! You will be forced to execute virtual meetings and being held to a quota. Call metrics will continue. Of course you will have to lie, cheat and steal in order to achieve the outrageous goals they give you. But lying, cheating and stealing is the foundation upon which GSK was built. Your last ounce of personal ethics will be squeezed out of you. You will look back on your career wishing you had the guts to speak never did. Wishing you had the guts to leave on your own never will. For those with more than five years, you gotta get out! The corporate leadership and culture is horrific! I don't need to tell you that. I just accepted an offer and gave notice today. There are jobs out there. Companies are hiring. It's your choice. Either get out or stfu! We all made a deal with the devil. But the deal can be undone. It's up to you. Peace and health to all!

Absolutely hilarious and spot on. Getting the heck out of here soon. GSK is the worst and I don’t care what anyone else says. Bunch of nonsense. My manager is an intrusive twit at times. And the FLL’s are like Supreme Court justices. You’d think they were appointment for LIFE. Congratulations on your new job and enjoy it. There are indeed better jobs out there and people are hiring.

It’s all the same at other big Pharma companies! Just take a look at their boards. If you think it’s better else where in this industry, then you are just a fool. Metrics, bad management, virtual BS, layers and layers of jack Azzes trying to justify their employment and salaries. Grass is greener until you are actually standing on it!

Give them one month notice!!! They will get you checked out, car & samples picked up and gone within a day or two. Instead of a few days off with pay you get a full month, and you look like you're doing them a favor! 2 weeks notice is standard, 1 month gets you an extra 3 weeks with pay!

how long can I stay working in the vbu with only going on calls when I’m with my manager and just getting on conference calls and doing the paperwork required but not going out in the field ever? How long will the gravy train last?

how long can I stay working in the vbu with only going on calls when I’m with my manager and just getting on conference calls and doing the paperwork required but not going out in the field ever? How long will the gravy train last?
You see this is where you don't get it! Sure a gravy train making a mediocre salary to do nothing. Yep its tempting, if you are complacent and lazy. So you'll just milk it and have zero self improvement, in fact like a leaky bucket, you'll go backwards, thinking you are making out. This is why it is a dead end career. Mediocre pay, for little work, turns you into an unmarketable sloth. This is why those trying to leave are having a hard time. Every employer out there knows about the drug repping gig, so many of you have failed when you have to actually have accountability and performance is measurable. Well get back to sleep you!

You see this is where you don't get it! Sure a gravy train making a mediocre salary to do nothing. Yep its tempting, if you are complacent and lazy. So you'll just milk it and have zero self improvement, in fact like a leaky bucket, you'll go backwards, thinking you are making out. This is why it is a dead end career. Mediocre pay, for little work, turns you into an unmarketable sloth. This is why those trying to leave are having a hard time. Every employer out there knows about the drug repping gig, so many of you have failed when you have to actually have accountability and performance is measurable. Well get back to sleep you!

I make $200k a year with this gig while fishing and golf on a daily basis. I’m good with my mediocre pay and little work