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GSK setting up Syneos reps to be fired

There are about 90 Syneos reps embedded on GSK Resp. Goal is to mote to about 120. Some poster here are correct; the legacy GSK girls want Syneos out of the picture and they will stab you in the back at first chance. Sinking ship.

How many embedded reps realize that the sales bonus is not the same between syneos and gsk? The difference is 33%. The difference in payout is a max difference of 5k per quarter. We were 200% payout for each product this quarter and the people in my district got 5k more than I did. So we work over the holidays while gsk reps are off.........this is not a embedded position. The hiring process is misleading. Time to update the resume with my outstanding numbers and move on!

This happens on many contracts with all contract companies. The reps from the manufacturer will throw the contract reps under the bus in a split second. They are so threatened which is ridiculous as most of the contract reps just need a paycheck until they can retire. I bent over backwards for a contract I was on last year and even the manager from the Manufacturer, (BI) there his contract reps under the bus if they exposed things agapolicy his reps were doing. Talk about drama, it sucked. Would never do it again.

How many embedded reps realize that the sales bonus is not the same between syneos and gsk? The difference is 33%. The difference in payout is a max difference of 5k per quarter. We were 200% payout for each product this quarter and the people in my district got 5k more than I did. So we work over the holidays while gsk reps are off.........this is not a embedded position. The hiring process is misleading. Time to update the resume with my outstanding numbers and move on!

Contact reps are cheap (relatively) labor. In my experience you get what you pa for. I’m sure there are some good ones, that just haven’t been my experience. Company would be better off putting 1/2 the money paid to contract company in a bonus pool and setting stretch goals for territory reps to drive performance.

In my experience GSK reps are complacent and lack initiative. GSK reps have great relationships but lack the hunter mentality of other sales professionals. This culture has been cultivated from taking test for your bonus, paid as a region to being paid as a district. If a doc isn’t an a-b-c GSK reps don’t call on the them. It doesn’t matter if a doc shows up with 10 new scripts. So in my experience there are some good GSK reps that work hard but most are average 9-5 reps who don’t not earn their bloated salaries and pto. Perhaps that is why GSK reps are being replaced by Syneos reps.

Not just GSK. Fat mean lazy girls and their fake work husbands from Pfizer, AZ, Merk. All of them threatened by younger newer motivated reps that still have great work ethics. I was a victim of my podmate that I respected cause she had been with the company for 20 years. Nevermind that I questioned her never winning a chairman’s circle award or that she obviously faked calls (the medical assistants like to say she hasn’t been in their office for months).
As soon as you learn you are about to be losing our main product in the bag, watch out for the snakes that like to pry too much into your business or draw fake attention to you in front of management hinting you aren’t confident in your job.

In my experience GSK reps are complacent and lack initiative. GSK reps have great relationships but lack the hunter mentality of other sales professionals. This culture has been cultivated from taking test for your bonus, paid as a region to being paid as a district. If a doc isn’t an a-b-c GSK reps don’t call on the them. It doesn’t matter if a doc shows up with 10 new scripts. So in my experience there are some good GSK reps that work hard but most are average 9-5 reps who don’t not earn their bloated salaries and pto. Perhaps that is why GSK reps are being replaced by Syneos reps.