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Is there really a future as a rep in the RBU. We all know it's a matter of time and we are staring directly at the end of it as the unit we know. Hold on and get a package or get on out to another company if you can. If you have an manger who tries to blow smoke up your ass that its not a dire situation, I'll tell you a few cults that you will fit in well with.

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Retrograde antidisestablishmentarianism optimal candid at all remote drops to clinical blast distribution.

Did they go back to backfilling ALL GSK vacancies with Syneos? Or are there still some openings in Respiratory that they're filling with GSK? If not, I can't help but wonder what the long term plan is here. And when I say "long term", I really mean end of this year.

Did they go back to backfilling ALL GSK vacancies with Syneos? Or are there still some openings in Respiratory that they're filling with GSK? If not, I can't help but wonder what the long term plan is here. And when I say "long term", I really mean end of this year.

It's hard to think that the RBU has much time left. Rumors have circulated for a couple years now and eventually the division will cease to exist. 1 year or 2 years, the end is coming.