GSK/InVentiv - Benefits, Training

in the 50s, 60s, and early 70s, people with high school degrees were making the equivalent of 100k with better benefits and pensions, working at factories, etc.

now, we have college grads with over 100k in college loans to start life, and making 30k in a starting job.

nice life.

key is to live below your means, because the jobs of the 50s, 60s, and 70s, are never coming back.

also, the only ones getting ahead today are people that will step over others for the most part. anyone that wants to be part of a major corporation is a sucker with no heart. at least, as reps, in jobs without an office we have to report to, can have some flexibility.

overall, pharmaceutical reps are arguably the smartest people in the working world, because we have to be intelligent to talk to highly educated doctors, deal with managers that are idiots, and have to grind it out everyday. best we are smart mostly because we were not the stupid ones that too sales jobs that require you to be at a home office or do business to business sales, selling products that nobody wants. as for INV, the management is very good, because of the experience they have, and the managers at INV are so much more talented and smarter than the manufacturer managers that generally have their heads up their rear ends, all day, looking at reports that mean nothing, to justify their overpaid jobs.

LOL!!! This post is so off base it just about made me piss myself from laughing so hard.

Average household income 1950: $3,300 = $32,000 in 2015
Average household income 1960: $5,315 = $43,000 in 2015
Average household income 1970: $7,466 = $46,000 in 2015

Average household income 2015: $53,657

Now bear with me you arguably smart pharma rep, among the smartest in the working world:

$53 > $46 > $43 > $32

You are an embarrassment to your profession, and a perfect example of why your job offers no skills that are transferable to another industry, mainly because it is populated with dim bulbs such as yourself.

LOL!!! This post is so off base it just about made me piss myself from laughing so hard.

Average household income 1950: $3,300 = $32,000 in 2015
Average household income 1960: $5,315 = $43,000 in 2015
Average household income 1970: $7,466 = $46,000 in 2015

Average household income 2015: $53,657

Now bear with me you arguably smart pharma rep, among the smartest in the working world:

$53 > $46 > $43 > $32

You are an embarrassment to your profession, and a perfect example of why your job offers no skills that are transferable to another industry, mainly because it is populated with dim bulbs such as yourself.

did you factor in, inflation, you bubbling r*****?

your numbers are flawed and your worldview is dark.

LOL!!! This post is so off base it just about made me piss myself from laughing so hard.

Average household income 1950: $3,300 = $32,000 in 2015
Average household income 1960: $5,315 = $43,000 in 2015
Average household income 1970: $7,466 = $46,000 in 2015

Average household income 2015: $53,657

Now bear with me you arguably smart pharma rep, among the smartest in the working world:

$53 > $46 > $43 > $32

You are an embarrassment to your profession, and a perfect example of why your job offers no skills that are transferable to another industry, mainly because it is populated with dim bulbs such as yourself.

stop using LOL, because it makes you seem like a moron.

also, if you had simple observation skills, you would see the middle class getting destroyed.

lastly, you need help. get it, quickly.

did you factor in, inflation, you bubbling r*****?

your numbers are flawed and your worldview is dark.

HOLY SHIT, IS THAT A REAL QUESTION??? Why do you think there are "in 2015" numbers there? Why do you think those 2015 numbers are so much higher than the 50-60-70 numbers?

My Lord, you really are retarded.