GSK interviews in Dallas


Has anyone who has interviewed for the GSK positions in Dallas on 9/8-9/18 heard anything from InVentiv? I made it to the second interview, and felt it went well, but haven't heard anything either way? Just wondering if anyone got an offer or rejection yet?


I made it to the final interview as well on Tuesday, but have yet to hear anything.

I was told only one person would be selected for the final interview for each position, so if you were selected for the final interview for your position, you should feel good that you probably got the job, or at least that is how I feel.

They are still interviewing all this week including tomorrow 9/18, so I was told people will start to be contacted on Monday 9/21 and throughout all next week.

I made it to the final interview as well on 9/15 and believe only one candidate for each position would get the final interview.

My friend interviewed the next day for a position in a different area and was told he would not be getting the final interview as the person who had interviewed earlier than him was forwarded to the final interview instead.

If you had an 8am or 9am interview, there may not have been 2nd interviews... Many of the directors from other assigments were notified at the last minute and didn't make it in time to interview. It was very disorganized for several days. Many mgmt candidates only interviewed with 1 interviewer, and the same with rep candidates. Doesn't necessarily mean you won't get a call - especially if you had an 8am or 9am slot.

Imaginary offers may have been given to some who interviewed last 2 weeks, but real offers will not be sent out until starting next week on Monday 9/21! I know this because my inVentiv recruiter told me in an email!

Not a word here. The whole process was strange. Made it to the second interview....but they didn't really even seem to know which drugs, which territory, etc. Anyone have similar exp?

The contract was officially signed on Thursday.. Managers were made offers yesterday and today. Many DMs and reps with great resp experience have already been passed on.. the reality of contracts is if you are in with the hiring manager, you get a job. Experience means nothing, unfortunately. Look at the relypsa contract - Same stuff. Good luck to everyone.

I interviewed in Dallas. The people who interviewed me were Inventiv managers, said they didn't even have DM's yet, which I thought was odd. Haven't been able to get a call back from the recruiter. Frustrated.

I have a interview next friday. Does anyone have any info or suggestions for the interview.? really would love to land this opportunity and seems like a great product to. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!

I have a interview next friday. Does anyone have any info or suggestions for the interview.? really would love to land this opportunity and seems like a great product to. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!

here's some legit info. Be prepared to quickly give a good resume walk through highlighting all of your successes, you're not going to have much time to impress, so be concise. Also be prepared to answer a few of the Interview Questions that inVentiv provided to you, and do so in the STAR format. I know that sounds pretty basic, but my interviewers literally pulled out the same questionnaire, and picked a few questions right off of it. Then of course, have a good close! Best of luck

I interviewed almost two weeks ago in Dallas, made it to what I thought were the finals. I have not heard a word from the recruiter, positive or negative. I decided to reach out yesterday because the curiosity was killing me. No response. I guess I was filler......I don't know. If I wasn't there best candidate, no problem. However, it would be nice to know either way.

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