GSK driven PIP's to reps


Any Syneos reps being placed on a coaching letter/PIP driven by their GSK manager? I have heard from 3 different coworkers this is happening across the country. Typical situation, GSK manager forces Syneos to issue this 30 day plan. Tends to be 1 Syneos rep per district - a "silent layoff". Terrible actions by GSK. Please share any stories!


Any Syneos reps being placed on a coaching letter/PIP driven by their GSK manager? I have heard from 3 different coworkers this is happening across the country. Typical situation, GSK manager forces Syneos to issue this 30 day plan. Tends to be 1 Syneos rep per district - a "silent layoff". Terrible actions by GSK. Please share any stories!

Was told by GSK rep her manager confirmed this will be the new normal across the nation.

This happened to GSK reps a few years back and now doing the same with Syneos reps and Syneos leadership not showing any spine and letting GSK shove them around. Throwing their reps under the bus - anything for the contract!

Especially if you are the Anoro lead...find another job asap! GSK managers are being told
to get rid of you and to "find a reason". Syneos manager will not support you as they
are scared for their job's as well.

This situation happened to two coworkers (both good reps). GSK manager said they weren't using COCO, closing properly, etc. so a very vague PIP was written. Syneos FTM's are forced to comply with this agenda and can't do anything for their rep. GSK is evil, Syneos is spineless and this creates a no win situation for the representative. As the above poster said, GSK manager must find a reason.

Perhaps GSK/Syneos are "legally right but morally wrong". Has anyone had any feedback from a attorney to see if fighting this is worth pursuing? Something about this just doesn't seem to make sense!!

Perhaps GSK/Syneos are "legally right but morally wrong". Has anyone had any feedback from a attorney to see if fighting this is worth pursuing? Something about this just doesn't seem to make sense!!

These are all temporary jobs. Why would you want to work for a company that does not want you. Syneos has no loyalty to the reps, and the reps should not have any loyalty in return.

Especially if you are the Anoro lead...find another job asap! GSK managers are being told
to get rid of you and to "find a reason". Syneos manager will not support you as they
are scared for their job's as well.

Not sure what your thought process is, but if you are the Anoro lead, you’re probably in the safest spot. The speculation is GSK will completely turn Anoro over to Syneos. It may like the former Breo team. Now if I were a GSK rep and the Anoro lead, then I might be worried.

GSK did this to their own reps over the last few years and are now doing the same behaviors to Syneos. To use a dysfunctional family analogy, GSK is acting like the abusive parent to the Syneos step-children (and Syneos leadership is allowing). This GSK-driven behavior is really unbelievable.

Yes this happens at GSK unfortunately, can’t really trust them....This is the game that they play, prepare yourself best you can. You have done nothing wrong, this is what they do to save money or save their own job....Been a toxic workplace for years.

Feel free to post experiences on Glassdoor, Indeed, or layoff dot com under GSK to let the world know how shady they are besides this forum......Not sure what else you can do besides that unfortunately.

A lot of games being played by GSK right now since they are seeing the handwriting on the wall with the respiratory products. They are doing a lot of backstabbing behaviors toward Syneos counterparts and those that report to them. Be careful, they are doing everything they can to make us look bad and kick us to the curb!!

I know two really good Syneos reps on the GSK respiratory contract that were terminated in the last few days. These reps did nothing wrong, thier manager put a target on thier back and decided they were the best candidate to manage out. Some of the most stupid crap I have heard and no doubt GSK has to be the most toxic pharma company. Be aware there will be more rounds of layoffs as GSK management does everything in thier power to justify thier BS jobs!

I know two really good Syneos reps on the GSK respiratory contract that were terminated in the last few days. These reps did nothing wrong, thier manager put a target on thier back and decided they were the best candidate to manage out. Some of the most stupid crap I have heard and no doubt GSK has to be the most toxic pharma company. Be aware there will be more rounds of layoffs as GSK management does everything in thier power to justify thier BS jobs!

When you learn to spell their.... you won't be the first one managed out

I know two really good Syneos reps on the GSK respiratory contract that were terminated in the last few days. These reps did nothing wrong, thier manager put a target on thier back and decided they were the best candidate to manage out. Some of the most stupid crap I have heard and no doubt GSK has to be the most toxic pharma company. Be aware there will be more rounds of layoffs as GSK management does everything in thier power to justify thier BS jobs!