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GSA scandal...it WAS Bush's fault


The corruption of the agency started under Bush, who was so busy starting wars, running up debt and deficits and cutting taxes for the greedy, apparently hated regulation so much, there was no oversight.
No wonder Obama has had so much conservative crap to clean up. There should never be another conservative to any office that involves money, or honesty and integrity.


Of course it was! Owedummy's only had 3 years so we can't expect HIM to take responsibility now, can we?

Of course this guy was embezzling in 2005-2009, when he was caught by Obama's auditor.
I know, it must have been a momentary lapse in the old conservative memory bank as to whom was president and when.
No wonder conservatives are thought to have intellectual malfunctions with increasing frequency.

Of course this guy was embezzling in 2005-2009, when he was caught by Obama's auditor.
I know, it must have been a momentary lapse in the old conservative memory bank as to whom was president and when.
No wonder conservatives are thought to have intellectual malfunctions with increasing frequency.

So they caught an embezzler and this somehow means blame for the GSA party falls on Bush? Only a libbie can follow this line of reasoning as it is totally illogical.

So they caught an embezzler and this somehow means blame for the GSA party falls on Bush? Only a libbie can follow this line of reasoning as it is totally illogical.

obviously if this guy was comfy with embezzling, a little fraud, waste, and abuse isn't going to bother him. He sets the tone. He was appointed by Bush.

The corruption of the agency started under Bush, who was so busy starting wars, running up debt and deficits and cutting taxes for the greedy, apparently hated regulation so much, there was no oversight.
No wonder Obama has had so much conservative crap to clean up. There should never be another conservative to any office that involves money, or honesty and integrity.


Of course. Could it be any other way?

So they caught an embezzler and this somehow means blame for the GSA party falls on Bush? Only a libbie can follow this line of reasoning as it is totally illogical.

Interesting isn't it? Neally was "caught by Obama's auditors", (of which there are none).

The Dumbocraps would have us believe that the hyper-honest Obama administration immediately filed Criminal charges against the GSA crooks.

What actually happened is that they were given salary increases (except for the women, who got much lower salaray increases), and jobs with increased control over funding.

The exact percentage of kickbacks they are required to slip into those little envelopes each month and leave under their plates at the White House, however it should be noted that when Obama took office, his official net worth consisted of the equity in his house and two cars. Honest Obama' current net worth, on an annual salary of $400,000, has now grown to over $10 million in three years.

Good old honest Barry.

Of course this guy was embezzling in 2005-2009, when he was caught by Obama's auditor.
I know, it must have been a momentary lapse in the old conservative memory bank as to whom was president and when.
No wonder conservatives are thought to have intellectual malfunctions with increasing frequency.

Just for shits and grins, suppose that Neally actually WAS "caught" by Obama's "auditor", embezzling large amounts of money from the Federal government.

Assuming all of the above fairy tale is actually true, what does it say about the Soetoro/OBlahBlah administration that the man still works for them?

Of course. Could it be any other way?

The OP conveniently misses the facts that the owedummy administration paid Neely a $9000 bonus AFTER the Vegas debacle, and that the Bush administration did not allow GSA meetings in Vegas, Reno, or Florida due to the perception that these were vacation spots. Reid is who overturned this rule in an effort to draw business to his state. Neely is still collecting a paycheck.

Of course the GSA scandal they hope you miss is far worse and far more costly. The GSA is requiring the use of union labor on their projects. Most construction workers are non-union but this is just one more way owedummy supports his cronies.

The PLA policy comes straight from the top. The president signed Executive Order 13502 just 16 days after taking office, mandating PLA’s whenever possible on government projects of $25 million or more. The Beacon Hill Institute, a free-market think tank at Suffolk University in Boston, reports that, on average, PLA’s make construction projects 12% to 18% more expensive. When you consider that the stimulus bill had an estimated $180 billion in funding for construction projects, that is a very big favor for the administration’s Big Labor friends.

So they caught an embezzler and this somehow means blame for the GSA party falls on Bush? Only a libbie can follow this line of reasoning as it is totally illogical.

If the embezzlement happened under the Bush ruling years why would he not be responsible? Especially in light of the fact conservatives here are saying Obama is responsible for secret service activity in Columbia since it happened on his watch.

It is hilarious reading really dumb ass conservaturd postings about shit they know absolutely nothing about.
First the fact conservaturds suffer the common malady of 'low-intellectual capacity' is blatantly obvious. They are still whining about a guy named NEELY, who has been suspended pending the investigation.
Second, the embezzler was a shrub bush guy named VOLL, and he has been terminated.

Don't you just love the bright colors of somebodies crayons? Wonder if he knows that some are missing.

If the embezzlement happened under the Bush ruling years why would he not be responsible? Especially in light of the fact conservatives here are saying Obama is responsible for secret service activity in Columbia since it happened on his watch.

Read my post again. The embezzlement, on Bush's watch, Bush's responsibility. The Vegas party the OP tries to blame on Bush, who has been gone for 3 years? Not Bush's responsibility. Despite the need to blame Bush for everything and owedummy to take zero responsibility for anything, something that occurs in this organization 3 years post Bush is hardly Bush's fault.

It is hilarious reading really dumb ass conservaturd postings about shit they know absolutely nothing about.
First the fact conservaturds suffer the common malady of 'low-intellectual capacity' is blatantly obvious. They are still whining about a guy named NEELY, who has been suspended pending the investigation.
Second, the embezzler was a shrub bush guy named VOLL, and he has been terminated.

Don't you just love the bright colors of somebodies crayons? Wonder if he knows that some are missing.

Wow. Suspended with pay. What a punishment.

Read my post again. The embezzlement, on Bush's watch, Bush's responsibility. The Vegas party the OP tries to blame on Bush, who has been gone for 3 years? Not Bush's responsibility. Despite the need to blame Bush for everything and owedummy to take zero responsibility for anything, something that occurs in this organization 3 years post Bush is hardly Bush's fault.

Got it - sorry. Been gone awhile and away from getting all worked up reading all this crap - of which the only thing I can really do about it is vote in November.

All I can say about GSA is - this shit has been going on for years. It would be extremely difficult to tie this to any one president.

Got it - sorry. Been gone awhile and away from getting all worked up reading all this crap - of which the only thing I can really do about it is vote in November.

All I can say about GSA is - this shit has been going on for years. It would be extremely difficult to tie this to any one president.

I think we are on the same page with this one. But each administration must take care of the issues as they arise. Neely should not have received a bonus nor be still receiving pay. Reid's actions eliminating potential 'bad' sites should be investigated. The requirement for PLAs should be reversed. Action should be put into place to avoid a repeat performance.

It appears the secret service is getting a proper investigation so not sure why the GSA is not.

I think we are on the same page with this one. But each administration must take care of the issues as they arise. Neely should not have received a bonus nor be still receiving pay. Reid's actions eliminating potential 'bad' sites should be investigated. The requirement for PLAs should be reversed. Action should be put into place to avoid a repeat performance.

It appears the secret service is getting a proper investigation so not sure why the GSA is not.
