Grey hairs need not apply....

ROTFLMAO! Your products aren’t innovative clown. They’re run of the mill commodities that are sold on gpo contracts. Get a fucking clue dipshit. You’re NOTHING without the sales team. Good, bad or indifferent, How do you propose “your” products would even get into the hospitals? Mail order catalog? Doctors & hospitals aren’t demanding or requesting this garbage like an iPhone. Please wake up and learn about how hospital supply chain economics works

ROTFLMAO! Your products aren’t innovative clown. They’re run of the mill commodities that are sold on gpo contracts. Get a fucking clue dipshit. You’re NOTHING without the sales team. Good, bad or indifferent, How do you propose “your” products would even get into the hospitals? Mail order catalog? Doctors & hospitals aren’t demanding or requesting this garbage like an iPhone. Please wake up and learn about how hospital supply chain economics works

There is nothing run of the mill about Voyant. Applied designed and developed this energy platform and it is lightyears beyond what is currently on the market. It is a revolutionary product. You clearly lack the brains to comprehend this. If you did you would be able to sell it. Thought that is what you guys are so good at? Clearly you can't even sell the most technologically advanced device available so that shows me how sad your skills are. Hospitals will request it when you explain the superiority of Voyant to them. Do your job better.

out of curiousity, how is Voyant “lightyears” ahead? What are you basing this on? We have no studies? We literally copying the Ligasure and we don’t have the entire product line. Mr Engineer why don’t you come out and sell it. I’ve seen your team out in my zone and they are 22 year old kids that only have seen surgery or met an actual surgeon.

We are who we are to quote Denny Green. We can accept we are cheap commodities you may want to think the same. Unless you have something that’s actually better or new then you are wasting your time on here. Come to think of it, why Mr engineer are you on CP??? You come for the truth?

he’s an engineer. He was a nerd in HS & college. He probably didn’t even go to prom and if he did, it was with sloppy 9th’s or 10th’s w/ whoever was leftover at that point. He didn’t play sports. He doesn’t know how to work with a team. During college he sat in the library on most every Friday & Saturday night studying for that $70-80k job out of college. Congratulations loser, just like your sex life, you came out of the gate too soon (no pun intended) and now we make more than you and are having fun doing it so It sounds like you’re just jealous you ass clown.