Green, Yellow, Orange, Red

As a former RAM I can tell you why I left. It was 100% you hi me. You are a disgrace to leadership. So don’t make up stories about me or any of your TBMs that have left in past or recently. It is you why we quit.

As a former RAM I can tell you why I left. It was 100% you hi me. You are a disgrace to leadership. So don’t make up stories about me or any of your TBMs that have left in past or recently. It is you why we quit.

RBDs have quit because of you hi me. You are not a good peer and you can’t be trusted. Everything has to be about hi me. Leopards don’t change their spots. Unfortunately is who you are. There’s a track record that proves it.


Stop talking behind my back. If you have something to say to me give me a call. You got my number. Don’t be a coward.

I’m so glad I don’t work with this ass wipe. He loves talking about people and glorifying himself. Jaime you will get yours at the end like you have in all the other organizations. I see you getting fired in the near future.

I’m so glad I don’t work with this ass wipe. He loves talking about people and glorifying himself. Jaime you will get yours at the end like you have in all the other organizations. I see you getting fired in the near future.

While I would love to see this happen, he’s been a douche for several years here and is still beloved by DD. It’s almost as if he has something on his investor call lying boss.

I’m so glad I don’t work with this ass wipe. He loves talking about people and glorifying himself. Jaime you will get yours at the end like you have in all the other organizations. I see you getting fired in the near future.

The way he talks you would think he ran divisions across the industry. At best he belongs in the role he is in and even that is questionable by most of us (former and present employees at ICPT). Access, Sales Operations, Marketing, Compliance, Training, Medical and Field Sales Force would say the same. The man is toxic and he talks about everyone behind their back. We can’t all be wrong! He was a one year wonder as an RBD and quite frankly hasn’t done anything since. Many of us both in supporting roles and direct reports left because it was a terrible environment to work in. He can mask it as he demands people to do their jobs but that would be just another lie. Jaime you need to go! You are toxic and viewed as a terrible leader by the majority. Anyone who spends 5 minutes with you gets it.

The way he talks you would think he ran divisions across the industry. At best he belongs in the role he is in and even that is questionable by most of us (former and present employees at ICPT). Access, Sales Operations, Marketing, Compliance, Training, Medical and Field Sales Force would say the same. The man is toxic and he talks about everyone behind their back. We can’t all be wrong! He was a one year wonder as an RBD and quite frankly hasn’t done anything since. Many of us both in supporting roles and direct reports left because it was a terrible environment to work in. He can mask it as he demands people to do their jobs but that would be just another lie. Jaime you need to go! You are toxic and viewed as a terrible leader by the majority. Anyone who spends 5 minutes with you gets it.

It’s amazing that leaders like JD and LR. Would tolerate this type of incompetence

The way he talks you would think he ran divisions across the industry. At best he belongs in the role he is in and even that is questionable by most of us (former and present employees at ICPT). Access, Sales Operations, Marketing, Compliance, Training, Medical and Field Sales Force would say the same. The man is toxic and he talks about everyone behind their back. We can’t all be wrong! He was a one year wonder as an RBD and quite frankly hasn’t done anything since. Many of us both in supporting roles and direct reports left because it was a terrible environment to work in. He can mask it as he demands people to do their jobs but that would be just another lie. Jaime you need to go! You are toxic and viewed as a terrible leader by the majority. Anyone who spends 5 minutes with you gets it.

I see Jaime is consistent with his behaviors. If it makes you feel better he was the same in his last organization until someone had the courage to do what needed to be done.