Greatest thread ever removed!!

My apology, I should have prefaced with "non-technically" speaking GE is not an A level company. For your reading pleasure regarding this A level company: NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of General Electric Co. dropped 9 percent Wednesday, hurt by investor worries about its financial services unit amid the global credit crisis. Since Friday, GE has been rattled by the financial meltdown on Wall Street.

It's the MBA's you should be concerned about, not the Ph.D.'s

Sorry again. I have no problem with PhDs. In fact I'm married with one PhD!!!
I just do not agree that the company is goo or bad because the stock price drop 20 % in the last days. We are not selling less and gettting low profit which could make the stock look so bad. This is just investors panic/euphoria. If you look at the company balance sheet you would understand what I mean.

Sorry again. I have no problem with PhDs. In fact I'm married with one PhD!!!
I just do not agree that the company is goo or bad because the stock price drop 20 % in the last days. We are not selling less and gettting low profit which could make the stock look so bad. This is just investors panic/euphoria. If you look at the company balance sheet you would understand what I mean.

This is a bit of a silly sideline. How much money a company makes is not the only criteria to be look at when assessing whether its a good company, although I don't think anyone here has a real handle on it as GE is pretty opaque with its reporting. Its interesting that they sell real estate to prop up balance sheets on occasions. They shuffle money around to report consistent results - thats the only way it can be done.

You can make a lot of money growing and selling drugs. Thats a good business too, as long as you dont get caught.

I dont care how much money they earn, from my perspective they were just a shit company to work for. The worst of my career so far, so in my book that makes them a D grade company. Shit companies to work in if you are an auditor or some other parasite, but I am not.

Now given how many shit products they sell. And lets not forget most of the highlights someone mentions above are products from companies they bought and destroyed. An btw I dont know what idiot can say GE scanners and imagers are better than Siemens since GE is several releases and about 10 years behind at this point. I'd buy Siemens anyday so It never ceases to amaze me who's been drinking too much kool-aid. As far as trains and planes go they were all designed back in the 60's and have just been hacked at ever since. Its a different company now. The GE of today couldnt even design an energy saving lightbulb.

"i do find it funny that non-sales people use this forum to complain as well. you always think it is just for sales folks."

Unless you are blind you would have noticed postings from us 'non sales' people (field based and in house based) in the original mega thread.

But...I am not surprised. Most sales people are sales people because they think of themselves first. second, they think of themselves, and so on. It's only when you have made a mess -- i.e sold incomplete solutions or over promised technologies -- that we go in and clean up. Sure, you buy us a drink at the sales conference or lunch out some days but otherwise you blow past us with nary a glance on your way to schmooze with the big boys and girls. Now don't get me wrong, networking is critical to a career, but there are better ways to treat people than as your personal janitor.

My apology, I should have prefaced with "non-technically" speaking GE is not an A level company. For your reading pleasure regarding this A level company: NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of General Electric Co. dropped 9 percent Wednesday, hurt by investor worries about its financial services unit amid the global credit crisis. Since Friday, GE has been rattled by the financial meltdown on Wall Street.

It's the MBA's you should be concerned about, not the Ph.D.'s

Looks the company is A again as the stock is 9% up today.

It's a shame you had a bad experience, bad boss and probably bad coleagues. It doesn't mean it is the same for the whole company.

Maybe the stock is up today (and yes, the market has been like riding the roller coaster), but this is fact ... in the past seven years, the Dow has increased about 20%, but GE stock ... a component of the DJIA ... has dropped about $10/share (about 20-25%).

Somethin' ain't right ...

The stockholders realize that this stock is a dog (and my apologies to fine canines everywhere).

It is a shame how GE management has ruined what was a decent company in Amersham. ...

Looks like some big shot managed to remove the US Sales org thread from here. It's a shame. 9 months of discussions and over 53,000 views.

Anyway, you can see almost all of it in cache using Google.

And by the way, we still need leadership change in US and Sweden.

God help us!!!

Not to mention 271 votes for off with the head versus 7 votes to keep. How very undemocratic of you Cafepharma! I hear Dick Cheney is looking for help with a new website that he has been secretly working should give him a call.

This much I like about GE: 1) their commercials on the Olympic coverage were pretty good, and 2) the In Cell Analyzer pictures on a calendar are stunning. That said, I would not work for, nor recommend anyone (with an IQ greater than arachnid) working for GE Healthcare, nor would I recommend anyone owning GE stock. Sell 'em if you got 'em. Quit 'em if you work for 'em. Otherwise, stay clear.

GE needs aquisition 101 reminders; dont't ditch the talent that made the company you just bought! GE has destroyed every company aquired by forcing tenured talent to leave. GE's internal brainwashing training programs appeal to young inexperienced minority folks striving to become middle management leaders; a pathetic path only chosen out of despiration. GE growth initiatives lead in the destruction of proven profitable winners and kills what once thived.

GE growth is so disfunctional it could NOT even grow a weed.

GE=Growth Extinct!

If GE buys your company ......RUN FAST!!!!

GE needs aquisition 101 reminders; dont't ditch the talent that made the company you just bought! GE has destroyed every company aquired by forcing tenured talent to leave. GE's internal brainwashing training programs appeal to young inexperienced minority folks striving to become middle management leaders; a pathetic path only chosen out of despiration. GE growth initiatives lead in the destruction of proven profitable winners and kills what once thived.

GE growth is so disfunctional it could NOT even grow a weed.

GE=Growth Extinct!

If GE buys your company ......RUN FAST!!!!

Just prior to GE buying Amersham (I worked for the diagnostic imaging business of Amersham), I ran into a client who had worked for another company acquired by GE Medical Systems (which became GE Healthcare with the Amersham purchased). My customer recounted how, within a year of acquisiton, many of the old timers were gone, replaced by the latest up-and-coming farm team of GE management wanabees and outsiders).

When I left GE/Amersham, almost two years after the acquisition, I called a few key cy ustomers and let them know of my decision and my appreciation for their business and friendship. One told me, "You lasted longer than anybody I knew that got bought out by GE."

It's happening in the former Amersham businesses, maybe slower than it did in other businesses, but it's happening. And from what I hear from my friends in the diagnostic imaging business, they are hurting as well ... loss of key customers, lack of new products, poor or nonexistant marketing strategies.

Sounds very much like the GELS business. Besides making a few big wigs lots of money on stock options, I'm not sure what GE got for their money.

Really? My manager told me for years to lie and fake it. To deliver a presentation to customers with the knowledge you had and when you ran out just make up the rest. What do you say to that?? You are probably at the bar with him right now thinking 'what a great guy'. And yes, it was reported.

GE needs aquisition 101 reminders; dont't ditch the talent that made the company you just bought! GE has destroyed every company aquired by forcing tenured talent to leave. GE's internal brainwashing training programs appeal to young inexperienced minority folks striving to become middle management leaders; a pathetic path only chosen out of despiration. GE growth initiatives lead in the destruction of proven profitable winners and kills what once thived.

GE growth is so disfunctional it could NOT even grow a weed.

GE=Growth Extinct!

If GE buys your company ......RUN FAST!!!!

Believe it! I see it as a former Amersham employee. Look at what they did to us, what they are doing to Biocore, mirocal and whatman. Top talent is leaving fast, I heard there is a salary freeze and guys are pissed! Glad to be out of the meatball!

Believe it! I see it as a former Amersham employee. Look at what they did to us, what they are doing to Biocore, mirocal and whatman. Top talent is leaving fast, I heard there is a salary freeze and guys are pissed! Glad to be out of the meatball!

So, just checking in to see if the tax evading meatball is still keeping on? Has your position been outsourced, moved to Brazil, or wages reduced so that you are paid in comparrison to Chinese Ph.D?? Wonder whatever happened to those A-Clowns Chuck Norris and Dog Ward? Is there anyone even left??? Is Piss-that-away still there...or was all just a dream???