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Great year Eisai

Nobody asked you about your moronic opinions. Do you understand what "immoral" means? Are you a fan of the loser Twit Romney or Boehner? Boehner is the person responsible for sending the country over the "fiscal cliff". He can't even get the Tea Party to line up with the
GOP caucus. What a colossal failure.

So stop opining and start educating yourself - you selfish ingrate.

You're the one that needs educating. I'm not going to waste my time getting in a tit for tat with you because your post indicates how far gone you are. BTW, what's up with the ad hominem attacks? I thought you people on the left were the tolerant ones? LOL.

Nobody asked you about your moronic opinions. Do you understand what "immoral" means? Are you a fan of the loser Twit Romney or Boehner? Boehner is the person responsible for sending the country over the "fiscal cliff". He can't even get the Tea Party to line up with the
GOP caucus. What a colossal failure.

So stop opining and start educating yourself - you selfish ingrate.

No one asked for your opinions either azzhat. Boehner is no more responsible now than Pelosi is for everything during the last two years of the Bush Administration. Try having an original thought instead of repeating something you heard from a equally idiotic person on television.

He was just going along with Obama's campaign talking point. "Letting the tax cuts expire for millionaires and billionaires". Now Obama won't agree to that. Spending cuts only coming from cuts in future increases. It is a spending problem here. Federal revenues are increasing and near an all time high. Educate yourself and stop watching only msnbc.
what he^said

Wow, why are you so angry? Get over it? Get over what? If that is average, ok by me. Was I bragging? Just commenting on a great year. Anyway, my income is a second income and I just checked the stats, it puts me in the top 16% of wage earners. If I add my husband's income, it puts us in the top 3% of household income in the US. Not bad for being AVERAGE.

All that means nothing. The important question is how big is your caboose and your ta.tas? If you have a huge caboose then no amount of money will make your husband happy. He's banging someone else.

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