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Great year Eisai


Go and fuck yourself.. you must be an asshole to scan these threads and offer your useless comments. who cares what you think you worthless piece of shit.. You must be one of Eisai whores.. did I spell that right ass wipe

Go and fuck yourself.. you must be an asshole to scan these threads and offer your useless comments. who cares what you think you worthless piece of shit.. You must be one of Eisai whores.. did I spell that right ass wipe
LMAO, I got the reaction I wanted. Did you get all mad and angry? Poor baby. You're such a loser! Hahahahahaha

I have to agree too. 93K salary, plus depending on this next quarter, 20-25k bonus. New drug coming. I'll take it.

this bullshit response has been done 65 million times on cafepharma. Get over it! That's not that much money assface. ASSFACE if you make that you are average. Beyond that it's going away and you have nothing on your resume to keep these meager income numbers coming. Do you... oh fuck it you are too dumb to explain it fuc

this bullshit response has been done 65 million times on cafepharma. Get over it! That's not that much money assface. ASSFACE if you make that you are average. Beyond that it's going away and you have nothing on your resume to keep these meager income numbers coming. Do you... oh fuck it you are too dumb to explain it fuc

Wow, why are you so angry? Get over it? Get over what? If that is average, ok by me. Was I bragging? Just commenting on a great year. Anyway, my income is a second income and I just checked the stats, it puts me in the top 16% of wage earners. If I add my husband's income, it puts us in the top 3% of household income in the US. Not bad for being AVERAGE.

Wow, why are you so angry? Get over it? Get over what? If that is average, ok by me. Was I bragging? Just commenting on a great year. Anyway, my income is a second income and I just checked the stats, it puts me in the top 16% of wage earners. If I add my husband's income, it puts us in the top 3% of household income in the US. Not bad for being AVERAGE.

I personally congratulate you on being in the top 3% and working to get higher.

However, the President called and told me you were evil to be making that much and he wants you to immediately give at least half of your income to him so he can give it to people unwilling to work but willing to vote for him. Thanks, and if you dont agree to send the money immediately, armed government officials will be on the way to your home to take it from you. Have a nice day.

I personally congratulate you on being in the top 3% and working to get higher.

However, the President called and told me you were evil to be making that much and he wants you to immediately give at least half of your income to him so he can give it to people unwilling to work but willing to vote for him. Thanks, and if you dont agree to send the money immediately, armed government officials will be on the way to your home to take it from you. Have a nice day.

Thanks for the congrats but we don't feel like we're special or better than other people. We just work hard and try to make good decisions regarding our careers and finances. As far as the President goes, yea, we're not fans of his or his way of thinking. The man is all about redistribution. I think once you get beyond a certain percentage of taxes it is not only anti-american, because it is basically confiscating someone's property, but it is downright immoral, if you ask me.

Thanks for the congrats but we don't feel like we're special or better than other people. We just work hard and try to make good decisions regarding our careers and finances. As far as the President goes, yea, we're not fans of his or his way of thinking. The man is all about redistribution. I think once you get beyond a certain percentage of taxes it is not only anti-american, because it is basically confiscating someone's property, but it is downright immoral, if you ask me.

Nobody asked you about your moronic opinions. Do you understand what "immoral" means? Are you a fan of the loser Twit Romney or Boehner? Boehner is the person responsible for sending the country over the "fiscal cliff". He can't even get the Tea Party to line up with the
GOP caucus. What a colossal failure.

So stop opining and start educating yourself - you selfish ingrate.

He was just going along with Obama's campaign talking point. "Letting the tax cuts expire for millionaires and billionaires". Now Obama won't agree to that. Spending cuts only coming from cuts in future increases. It is a spending problem here. Federal revenues are increasing and near an all time high. Educate yourself and stop watching only msnbc.

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