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Great way for willard to try and get votes

Let's try this again. There must be a very good reason you keep throwing up strawmen to avoid the reality of the Owebama failure to improve the plight of minorities.

Once again, I'll ask you what Owebama has done for the minorities that have them so overwhelmingly favoring his reelection. That is, besides their/your obvious bigotry and prejudice.


Yeah, blacks are going to vote for Romney who attends a fundraiser this evening in Montana ( full of whites) and says about the booing "tell them to vote for the other guy if they want free stuff."


Why didn't the say THAT to their faces.

He should be surprised if he gets 1% of their vote.

That comment from a man who wants to run for president in a country thats not good enough to pay taxes in. He wants the infrastructure, the legal system, the military of this country to make his millions then doesnt want to pay for it, nor send any of his 5 healthy sons to enlist. Mitt is the person who wants free stuff.

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Mitt Romney just solidified his standing in the Judeo republican party by going to the NAACP and throwing the word Obamacare in their faces. He knew what he was doing. He knows he will not get 5% of the black vote. He could care less. This is a president for all of Americans? No way.