Great job Ian!


So to sum up your 30+ years at Pfizer, your idea of corporate strategy is...wait for it...when in doubt, acquire! So much for the innovative core. So much for bolt on acquisitions. So much for "big acquisitions are a distraction". Let me get this straight, are you flush out of options? That was all about getting on your knees when the Wall Street analysts entered the room. Where are your BALLS Ian? This strategy is called "kicking the can down the road". But then again, you'll be comfortably retired when it come time to kick the can again. And that time will come. Wait for it.


Well said. And if he gives the job to Brent Saunders then you can bid all your benefits good-bye. Good-bye to stock options, cafeteria, corporate discounts, flex time, etc. Also if you're anywhere north of 40, then say good-bye to your job. But if you keep your job, you'll be doing the job of 4-5 people.

the great news is that these mergers take a loooong time to play out. This means a couple more years of hanging on and doing nothing while the dust settles. A 2 year paid vacation. I like it!

the great news is that these mergers take a loooong time to play out. This means a couple more years of hanging on and doing nothing while the dust settles. A 2 year paid vacation. I like it!

Oh, I don't think so bucko. This thing will be done much faster than you think. We would have been much better off with AZ.

Oh, I don't think so bucko. This thing will be done much faster than you think. We would have been much better off with AZ.
I agree. Allergen is a willing partner, whereas AZ was not, so would have taken much longer to play out with AZ. Look at the history of Allergan - this is the bastard stepchild of multiple mergers, including a generics company, second rate pharma companies like Forest and Biovail, and a cosmeceuticals company (Allergen). In other words, a perfect F-buddy for Pfizer. Time to strap in folks, we're in for a wild ride!

the great news is that these mergers take a loooong time to play out. This means a couple more years of hanging on and doing nothing while the dust settles. A 2 year paid vacation. I like it!

All the drama for Allergan started April 22, 2014 when stock shot up cause VRX was interested in acquiring AGN. This went on unto March 18th when a lot of us lost our jobs. Deal closed Nov, 2014 so it took them 4 months to close the deal. AGN/Activis are experienced mergers and will know how to make this happen as fast as possible. I would give it max of 6 months.

I can say that upper management already knew the axe was falling on many, many people and in my department of R and D, nobody did anything for almost 1 year to the date. So it was like getting a paycheck for doing nothing only because we all knew we would be out the door very soon.

the great news is that these mergers take a loooong time to play out. This means a couple more years of hanging on and doing nothing while the dust settles. A 2 year paid vacation. I like it!

Wrong!!! BS gets deals done at lightning speed. Furthermore, this deal is much further along in the process than we think. Bank on that.

Well said. And if he gives the job to Brent Saunders then you can bid all your benefits good-bye. Good-bye to stock options, cafeteria, corporate discounts, flex time, etc. Also if you're anywhere north of 40, then say good-bye to your job. But if you keep your job, you'll be doing the job of 4-5 people.

Yep, that's exactly what will happen and it's a great example of our Capitalist system in action. We worship this system. This is what we vote for every 4 years. This is what we want. A few people will get rich and a large number of people will suffer. It's a wonderful thing and we wouldn't have it any other way. So nobody here should be whining and complaining.

Done deal by Thanksgiving truely sad for Allergan having been thru so many mergers and realignments most will be gone which hurts cuz I've been there and NO Pfizer people will be let go unless on PIP so the downsizing will be brutal unless you survive in which case as pharma goes its decent

Done deal by Thanksgiving truely sad for Allergan having been thru so many mergers and realignments most will be gone which hurts cuz I've been there and NO Pfizer people will be let go unless on PIP so the downsizing will be brutal unless you survive in which case as pharma goes its decent

Let's be a little more accurate here, they could have an agreement by Thanksgiving-- the actual transaction could take some time. Let's realize what we are talking about here, this would be the largest transaction ever in the industry and not really even close. So while the companies can move quick, there are many things out of their hands-- like the federal government.

Yes, and let's now forget about the lawyers on both sides. This could take quite some time to iron out. I would be running to find another job if I was at Allergan. Pfizer does have a way of cutting and cutting and since many of our drugs are going off patent soon, we will need to put those reps somewhere first.
Good luck to those who are on the chopping block. This is going to be brutal.

I know for a fact that's the plan for Hospira so highly likely it will be the same for Allergan.
It won't be quite as clean with Allergan, given the promotionally sensitive portfolio (as compared to Hospira). This is going to be fun. Putting these two companies together will end up creating a hot mess. Think...Pfrankenstein.

Allergan folks will be done when this deal gets inked. Irvine will close and AGN as we knew it will be a distant memory all because the MOF from Valeant and Wall St instigated all this shit. After 27 years, I lost my job at AGN. Turned out good though. After this deal inks, $3.1 million in stock with more to pad that once the deal settles. Many will not be that lucky.

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