To the clown who said ocrelizumab is going to be "tough to sell" - you must be high. I've been in MS - for other companies (like I am now) - for 10 years and I've never seen the collective euphoria that I've seen for this one. I can't tell you how many docs who've told me "why would you treat with anything else?". You try to bring them back to a place of cautious optimism by pointing out how the safety profiles of Tysabri and Tecfidera looked stellar in the trials, but look how they
turned out, docs turn right to Rituxan and
say "no problems there". Hauser's
presentation of Opera 1 and 2 at ECTRIMS
got a standing ovation, and even whistling,
from a crowd of about 5,000. It was insane.
This one is going to be the easiest sell
you've ever had, and like I said, this is
coming from someone who's been working
for one of your competitors on the research/
clin dev side for 10 years.