"Great Company" bull sh@$

I just left the company because of her, and I was one of their top contributors. Real shame. She turned Texas, their most profitable state, into an awful mess. God bless whoever tries to fix that.

can you give any examples as to why you left because of VT. like what does she do........how does she treat people.....what do other people you know say about her...........etc.

can you give any examples as to why you left because of VT. like what does she do........how does she treat people.....what do other people you know say about her...........etc.

she acts like an insecure immature little girl. bottom line is this.......she never should have been put into a management position. now she's vp of sales. em is either unwilling or not able to get rid of her. i do know this....he's thought about all of this before. maybe he's building a case around her to fire her ass.

can you give any examples as to why you left because of VT. like what does she do........how does she treat people.....what do other people you know say about her...........etc.
VT is a psychopath. She lies all the time to everyone. She even tried to tell me why it was ok to lie to the reps. If EM likes you it’s the kiss of death because she will feed him lie after lie to turn him against you. All of his “favorite” managers and/or reps are all gone because she made their lives a living hell until she could run them off. She thrives on catching you in a mistake because then she can take you down. She talks about reps and managers behind their backs to other reps and managers. She’s just an evil person with no business sense and no people skills. How someone as smart as EM and MA can’t see what kind of person she is and how much harm she is doing to MDL is a complete mystery to me.

VT is a psychopath. She lies all the time to everyone. She even tried to tell me why it was ok to lie to the reps. If EM likes you it’s the kiss of death because she will feed him lie after lie to turn him against you. All of his “favorite” managers and/or reps are all gone because she made their lives a living hell until she could run them off. She thrives on catching you in a mistake because then she can take you down. She talks about reps and managers behind their backs to other reps and managers. She’s just an evil person with no business sense and no people skills. How someone as smart as EM and MA can’t see what kind of person she is and how much harm she is doing to MDL is a complete mystery to me.

well spoken and good choice of definition. difference between sociopath and psychopath is that psychopaths don't seem to have a conscience. i have no doubt part of this behavioral trait played a part in her rocky marriage. i'm sure there are enough people who can swear to and vouch for others' statements to get VT fitted a custom made straight jacket and have her in a padded room somewhere. seriously, she has this disorder. also.........why has there been NO lawsuits filed? having a true psychopath running his company.....doesn't EM care? or is he so consumed with the almighty dollar that he lacks compassion for his employees? has anyone ever tried to talk to EM about this? any chance EM reads this stuff sometimes? well, at some point a lawsuit will happen. just a matter of time. then we'll see how much em likes vt.