Grass is greener on other side!


I left Allergan a year ago which was such a great move financially and emotionally. My base salary went from $68k to $110k a year and I’m still in Pharma. I love having my own territory versus stepping all over three reps every day trying to get in front of same providers with same drugs. Allergan is clueless and treats their reps like shit.


I left Allergan a year ago which was such a great move financially and emotionally. My base salary went from $68k to $110k a year and I’m still in Pharma. I love having my own territory versus stepping all over three reps every day trying to get in front of same providers with same drugs. Allergan is clueless and treats their reps like shit.

Not bad, but still under paid. Well at least you’re out of this primary care modeled s-show!

my Allergan territory was an hour from my house, and could take an hour to get from on side to the other.

My non Allergan territory is much closer to home. I barely need to do any driving at all actually

We have all overlooked one of the key reasons the grass is greener on the other side

We do not have roommates at POAs and launch meeting at companies outside of Allergan.

I was told this was “not the right job for me” by one of CR’s robots.

A few years later $120k base/$210k at plan. I’m working in surgical device sales doing things CR and those DMs don’t even know take place. The grass IS so, so, so much greener.

Nowhere near the amount of work a DM has to do. It takes a higher degree of critical thinking and problem-solving, but not even close when it comes to the day-to-day grind. Call averages, POAs, inaccurate Rx reporting, total BS messaging, etc. Ugh, gag me.

They were right. It was not the job for me. Likewise, this would not be the right job for them. DM from Forest/Allergan isn’t very impressive on a resume in my new world. Often times, too many bad habits have developed. I’m actually referring to the DMs, not necessarily the reps. Some of them make amazing surgicalbrdps if you get them at just the right time.

Why am I here if I have it so good now? Well, I guess I’m not really that nice. Yep. I want to brag, gloat and feel feel vindicated. I (like many) think though, Some of use deserve it after some of the hell we were put through.

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