Grandfather clause impact?

Neo is hanging on by the fingernails. Really poor managers and administration, particularly in the Fort Myers lab.

Press released by Neo this month shows $59 million in revenue and then a paltry profit of $65,000. That translates into one TENTH of one percent profit. What is wrong with this picture? So is this just the expiration of the TC clause or gross, gross mismanagement?

Check it out for yourself. Q4 and Full Year 2012 Earnings Release.pdf

Here's a comment about Neo gleaned from the Clarient site:

There is no easier money anywhere in this god-forsaken industry!
Where will you go? Neo is going to go broke without a buyer and foundation is unproven and a farce.

Here's a comment about Neo gleaned from the Clarient site:

There is no easier money anywhere in this god-forsaken industry!
Where will you go? Neo is going to go broke without a buyer and foundation is unproven and a farce.

Not in the industry, but an investor and the earning conf call mentioned many proprietary tests being developed this year. It seems as though this industry competes with the same or similar tests. Provided these tests are clinical useful, isn't this a very good thing for Neo; relative to their competitors? Our stock price seems to be reflecting this. Any comments good or bad would be appreciated.

Here's a comment about Neo gleaned from the Clarient site:

There is no easier money anywhere in this god-forsaken industry!
Where will you go? Neo is going to go broke without a buyer and foundation is unproven and a farce.

Of course someone from a company that was purchased by GE and subsequently ruined the Clarient culture is going to post that.