Had the job. Thought my GPA was 2.8+, but it was years ago, and what does it matter. They had me get an official transcript, and it was 2.78. Was then told sorry, you don't qualify.

GPA? LOL show's you how ridiculous these companies are. If the companies are requiring this for the contract, good riddance. Albert Einstein flunked algebra and had a low GPA, Steve Jobs dropped out of college and I'm sure this list goes on and on.....Ask any successful businessman and dynamic sales person, the majority are C students. Professors,Doctors and researchers are A students and the majority are not great businessman or dynamic salespeople.

I would suggest get away from the childishness of PHarma. Let the college grads have these loser jobs and move on. This job has been so dumbed down it is hysterical to me that any company would allow a GPA to 10 years ago to over ride solid work experience. Unbelievable!!! People hear the alarm to get out of this business. Stop trying to revive the dead horse. Don't panic and accept this stupid job whether it's direct or contract doesn't matter. Venture out to another way of life.

this is solely a Purdue requirement; required for their reps, as well as their contract reps. Check out their board. And they (quintiles) do all the verification; when I offered to produce a copy of my transcript, the dm told me they did verification themselves for obvious reasons. Having worked for different cso's over the years, I can tell you all contract requirements are established by the pharma/biotech company at signing, not the cso; the cso simply enforces them, no matter how ridiculous.

this is solely a Purdue requirement; required for their reps, as well as their contract reps. Check out their board. And they (quintiles) do all the verification; when I offered to produce a copy of my transcript, the dm told me they did verification themselves for obvious reasons. Having worked for different cso's over the years, I can tell you all contract requirements are established by the pharma/biotech company at signing, not the cso; the cso simply enforces them, no matter how ridiculous.

I realize that. It is still ridiculous whether the CSO or the direct company requires it. It only makes sense when you are looking at a candidate right out of college with no work experience .

I agree that 10 years of solid work experience should override a college GPA. The problem is that there are so many good reps out there now that companies can ask and get both. Someone with great sales success and a high GPA. Just one more way to thin the heard. I talked to my old boss a few weeks ago and he had a job opening for one of his areas. Said he had a dozen applicants that were all top tier sales people. Facts are pharma is just going to get tougher and tougher to get a job until none of us will be able to do it. Good luck to everyone out there.

GPA? LOL show's you how ridiculous these companies are. If the companies are requiring this for the contract, good riddance. Albert Einstein flunked algebra and had a low GPA, Steve Jobs dropped out of college and I'm sure this list goes on and on.....Ask any successful businessman and dynamic sales person, the majority are C students. Professors,Doctors and researchers are A students and the majority are not great businessman or dynamic salespeople.

I would suggest get away from the childishness of PHarma. Let the college grads have these loser jobs and move on. This job has been so dumbed down it is hysterical to me that any company would allow a GPA to 10 years ago to over ride solid work experience. Unbelievable!!! People hear the alarm to get out of this business. Stop trying to revive the dead horse. Don't panic and accept this stupid job whether it's direct or contract doesn't matter. Venture out to another way of life.

I agree. It's frustrating and humorous at the same time. I know several people who got hired on this contract with Purdue and their numbers were consistently at the bottom of the board on the last contract. I'm sure there are some people who had both GPA and good sales numbers. Every interview that I've been to, the hiring people want to see documented success. They don't care what your GPA is, they want to hire someone who produces results. We will find something better than this.

I agree; it's such nonsense. The fixation on "THE NUMBERS" is ludicruos; I know so many reps who manufacture their own numbers to confirm prior performance; I have too much self respect for myself and the dm I interviewed with to engage in such activity. I guess depending on the dm, there are 2 ways to interpret this: 1. displays sense of ethics and I can trust this person to be a good employee, or 2. way to go - do whatever it takes to get the job and I can see this rep will do anything - illegal, unethical, immoral - to get the sale.
Sad, but this used to be a great career; not anymore.

Only the Purdue contract requires revealing ones GPA. However all contracts require each male to own up to the length of his third leg. Only those above 7" will ever be considered. For the ladies, a love button of .75"-1.75" will pass. These parameters are generally measured during your trip to the lab for the urine test. One can bypass this at the lab by attaching photos to your completed application for early acceptance and forgoing the embarrassment later on of finding out that you are only a 6 incher.

I applied to all 3 openings with Quintiles, Ortho , eye health, and GI position. All required that you bring copy of your diploma and transcript to the interview. Yes, It is crazy. I have not been in college for 25 yrs. Go figure! Also I have friends that work for Quintiles and do not have a 2.8 or above gpa so when their contract ends they wonder what will happen? Grand fathered in or will they be out of luck? So sad it has come to this!!!!!!

Well folks, the industry is shrinking and the purpose of putting up more hoops to jump through is to weed out the bottom half. Sales Numbers...can be faked and interviewers know it. If you won a President's Club award I would want to see it v. a bullet point on your resume. GPA...cannot be faked and whether you like it or not, it shows if you worked in school or if you actually have the ability to get some decent grades. It doesn't matter if it is a 2.799, that is still pretty low. And it doesn't matter if it was 40 or 2 years ago, it still is a reflection on what you did with yourself when you were 18-21. It is a measure to identify people that could produce results in college and did not just get by with a pile of average C grades. It makes sense to me that an employer would want to pick out candidates who strive for results that are above a C-level.
Have you ever read Aesop's gable of the Ant and the Grasshopper? The people who worked in college are reaping the benefit of their work. Everyone has choices to make in life and there are consequences to every choice. You cannot complain now that you did not work hard enough in school to get above a 2.8 GPA...this is (one of) the consequences.

It's a job, if it works out great, if not then hopefully something else will pan out. I was given the verbal offer last week after 1 face to face. The quintiles or purdue mgr didn't say a word about bringing transcripts. Got my packet for drug testing today and an email from certiphi background check confirming I attended the university on my resume. That was it. I know I don't have a 3.0 but it's not too far off. Maybe it depends on how serious the quintiles or purdue mgr were taking it?