GPA requirement

But you had sales experience. Without a solid track record of pharma sales, you WILL not get hired if your GPA is below the mark.

Hey please tell me since I graduated over ten years ago and have a GPA of 2.5 that I
Will not have to worry about them counting that. That's so crazy. I've been working in sales all these years since graduating and I don't think that GPA should matter at this point. I have. Bach in science and it sure wasn't easy to get. It was tough. Is Lilly seriously gonna care if I graduated 10 years ago.

Hey please tell me since I graduated over ten years ago and have a GPA of 2.5 that I
Will not have to worry about them counting that. That's so crazy. I've been working in sales all these years since graduating and I don't think that GPA should matter at this point. I have. Bach in science and it sure wasn't easy to get. It was tough. Is Lilly seriously gonna care if I graduated 10 years ago.

No, you will be fine. With your propensity to apply for and pursue and job in an industry sector that is as useful as tits on a boar, and that will quickly going to go the way of the dinosaurs; that kind of self-delusion and lack of self-respect is exactly what these shitbag pharma companies look for in a drone employee.

Welcome aboard.........:)

No, you will be fine. With your propensity to apply for and pursue and job in an industry sector that is as useful as tits on a boar, and that will quickly going to go the way of the dinosaurs; that kind of self-delusion and lack of self-respect is exactly what these shitbag pharma companies look for in a drone employee.

Welcome aboard.........:)

Well said. Lilly needs more mentally depraved zombies working on its strategy and pipeline. If you have a record of failure, Lilly is the place for you.

As a hiring manager I pretty much deduct 0.5 from any GPA that comes across my desk from anybody who graduated after 1980, when grade inflation became all the rage. I graduated in 1970 with a 3.0 that was EARNED. That's the GPA I would give to a 2011 gradiuate who bragged about his 3.5 GPA.

Okay, heres the real question. What if you graduated well over 10 years ago and when they ask about your GPA and you lie to inflate it a little? When/how will they ever know? When they request from your school to check to make sure you graduated will they see it then or does the school just send a "yes they graduated" letter?

Let me shoot first and ask later. You are from Commonwealth Nations. Period. You add 0.72 to your GPA due to different grading system. Just do well on interview, and then decline *ANY* offer. Lilly is like aphid. Get it?

As a hiring manager I pretty much deduct 0.5 from any GPA that comes across my desk from anybody who graduated after 1980, when grade inflation became all the rage. I graduated in 1970 with a 3.0 that was EARNED. That's the GPA I would give to a 2011 gradiuate who bragged about his 3.5 GPA.

Grade inflation has continued at an exponential pace since 1980, no doubt. However, as I recall significant grade inflation existed during the V.N. war years at times, too, on a more political level - after all many kids stayed out of the war thanks to understanding professors.

Re: GPA requirement - flunkers

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Paul Allen, Sir 'Virgin', Aziz Premji, Saw Malter, are just a few good example where street smarts beat GPA.

Absolutely. The president of Harvard recently shot down "Tiger Mom" at Davos with the same argument. Also consider perhaps the most influential drug manufacturer of the 20th century, Stanley Augustus Owsley III who spent one year at Berkeley then inspired millions, perhaps including some of those you mentioned.

Okay, heres the real question. What if you graduated well over 10 years ago and when they ask about your GPA and you lie to inflate it a little? When/how will they ever know? When they request from your school to check to make sure you graduated will they see it then or does the school just send a "yes they graduated" letter?

Bump for answer to this question. Thanks.

No letter from an "understanding professor" would keep your ass out of VN once that final letter came from the draft board classifying you as "available for unrestricted military service". You were only allowed to finish your current semester in college, then it was off to gookland. On the other hand a professor letter to the Canadian government might have helped if you were a draft dodger.

Re: GPA requirement - flunkers

Absolutely. The president of Harvard recently shot down "Tiger Mom" at Davos with the same argument. Also consider perhaps the most influential drug manufacturer of the 20th century, Stanley Augustus Owsley III who spent one year at Berkeley then inspired millions, perhaps including some of those you mentioned.

Da bear!

Re: GPA requirement - flunkers

I don't think books are going to provide a way to understand something like this. No one has previously written about it, because, like doing brain surgery on oneself, examination of our 'instinctive' and unconscious socialisation process is very difficult. Babies will 'trip' inbuilt responses in the adults and other children around them to provide answers and information on skills they need according to their age-window. Children will repeat things taught them seemingly endlessly until they become skilled.

I have been long puzzled about how easy it was for me, and how nearly impossible for virtually everyone else to adopt the all meat diet. After 47 years of this, and I am not bragging when I say that I am a bit above the average intelligence, I have finally come to the conclusions I have made about human acculturation.

For instance read my essay on Children's TV. I worked for many years as a broadcast TV engineer and technician, during which time I had a funny feeling that all was not right with Sesame Street, that it somehow was damaging kids and not really teaching anything, but I could not put a face to what it was. The essay is not about diet, but about the very insidious and hidden destruction of our society which is ongoing today by taking the irreplaceable TIME for learning essential skills amongst our kids away and substituting the passive watching of TV (the ubiquitous electronic 'babysitter'). If you want some literary insight into how we humans learn as children to become human, read the work of the famous child educator, the Countess Montessori. Hers may be the only written work which can be said to relate in some way to our (also) dietary acculturation.

You need only understand that we have only the most basic animalistic instincts at birth and our early cultural training is fixed so strongly into who we are that it can usually override them all. Failure of acculturation therefore is a very serious and difficult to remedy disaster for humanity.

Okay, heres the real question. What if you graduated well over 10 years ago and when they ask about your GPA and you lie to inflate it a little? When/how will they ever know? When they request from your school to check to make sure you graduated will they see it then or does the school just send a "yes they graduated" letter?

Bump again....thx for any insight on this question.

Re: GPA requirement - flunkers

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Paul Allen, Sir 'Virgin', Aziz Premji, Saw Malter, are just a few good example where street smarts beat GPA.

this is a terrible example to substantiate your argument. For one, Gates scored a near perfect on his SAT and attended Harvard University. It's that same high level of intelligence that garnered his vocational success. Secondly, these people are the EXTREME exception to the rule. The rule of the better grades and better schools you attend, the better your earning potential is, on average. The exceptions prove the rule, they don't disprove it! as your statement suggest.

In other words how many college drop outs do you know that earn more than people you know with college degrees? This myth that college drop outs do very well in life is just that a myth, thanks to stupid comments that get perpetuated like the one above.

Re: GPA requirement - flunkers

this is a terrible example to substantiate your argument. For one, Gates scored a near perfect on his SAT and attended Harvard University. It's that same high level of intelligence that garnered his vocational success. Secondly, these people are the EXTREME exception to the rule. The rule of the better grades and better schools you attend, the better your earning potential is, on average. The exceptions prove the rule, they don't disprove it! as your statement suggest.

In other words how many college drop outs do you know that earn more than people you know with college degrees? This myth that college drop outs do very well in life is just that a myth, thanks to stupid comments that get perpetuated like the one above.

Someone really touched a nerve, eh?

On the "flip side" we have all known 4.0 GPA graduates who were good at achieving ... a 4.0 GPA and little more. Some of them have perfect memories but are a real danger to innocent bystanders that have "common sense."