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Govt Help for The Rich


Well-Known Member
Here's for all of you "small govt- I work sooo hard for my money" folks:


"While some number of the wealthy may have succeeded by working hard and being smart or creative, many of the very wealthy got their money directly or indirectly through the big hand of the government tilting the playing field in their direction. Their hard work involved rigging the rules to ensure that they ended up on top"

I can think of Pharma as one expample of this--- All the Pharma comapnies RELY on Medicare and Medicaid to make a majority of their profits-- I am sure their special interest groups are the ones keeping Medicare from being on the chopping Block, yet Social Security doesn't help in their $$$$ syphoning so cut it.
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Here's for all of you "small govt- I work sooo hard for my money" folks:


"While some number of the wealthy may have succeeded by working hard and being smart or creative, many of the very wealthy got their money directly or indirectly through the big hand of the government tilting the playing field in their direction. Their hard work involved rigging the rules to ensure that they ended up on top"

I can think of Pharma as one expample of this--- All the Pharma comapnies RELY on Medicare and Medicaid to make a majority of their profits-- I am sure their special interest groups are the ones keeping Medicare from being on the chopping Block, yet Social Security doesn't help in their $$$$ syphoning so cut it.

Excellent observation. What most if not all of the conservatards forget, neglect or simply overlook, is that without the masses of "little people" "poor people" and young people, there would be no rich people. They need workers for their factories and businesses, customers for their products, and customers for their services. Pharma, Drs. and hospitals all benefit from the government programs, and yet conservatards here want to bite the hand that feeds them and keeps them fat and sassy.

Here's for all of you "small govt- I work sooo hard for my money" folks:


"While some number of the wealthy may have succeeded by working hard and being smart or creative, many of the very wealthy got their money directly or indirectly through the big hand of the government tilting the playing field in their direction. Their hard work involved rigging the rules to ensure that they ended up on top"

I can think of Pharma as one expample of this--- All the Pharma comapnies RELY on Medicare and Medicaid to make a majority of their profits-- I am sure their special interest groups are the ones keeping Medicare from being on the chopping Block, yet Social Security doesn't help in their $$$$ syphoning so cut it.
Do you realize how propaganda-ish your ludicrously ambiguous article sounds?

"some number"..."many" Really? No shit.

Do you realize how propaganda-ish your ludicrously ambiguous article sounds?

"some number"..."many" Really? No shit.

That's your agrument--"propaganda". I am sure there are $$$$$$billion$$ of numbers out there to satisfy the claim.

Excellent observation. What most if not all of the conservatards forget, neglect or simply overlook, is that without the masses of "little people" "poor people" and young people, there would be no rich people. They need workers for their factories and businesses, customers for their products, and customers for their services. Pharma, Drs. and hospitals all benefit from the government programs, and yet conservatards here want to bite the hand that feeds them and keeps them fat and sassy.

So true. What they do not realize(or want to acknowledge) is that EVERYONE benefits from some sort of Govt subsidy. Just buying gas you benefit from a govt subsidy. I think these anti large govt should have all of their subsidies taken away and see how they will survive.

"I'm sure" Now there are some comforting words from...you.

Link us up, Tinkr!

Since you didn't bother to read/and or extrapolate any of it by yourself from my link-- I'll help ya---

But the banks are not the only ones that rig the rules. The drug companies profit enormously from government-granted patent monopolies. Drugs are generally cheap, that is why it is possible to buy hundreds of generic drugs for $5 or $6 per prescription at chain drug stores. Drug companies are able to charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars for prescriptions because they have patent protection. As a result we spend close to $300 billion (at $1,000 per person) a year for drugs that would cost around $30 billion a year in a free market.

Since you didn't bother to read/and or extrapolate any of it by yourself from my link-- I'll help ya---

But the banks are not the only ones that rig the rules. The drug companies profit enormously from government-granted patent monopolies. Drugs are generally cheap, that is why it is possible to buy hundreds of generic drugs for $5 or $6 per prescription at chain drug stores. Drug companies are able to charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars for prescriptions because they have patent protection. As a result we spend close to $300 billion (at $1,000 per person) a year for drugs that would cost around $30 billion a year in a free market.
I read the article, and you reciting it still does nothing to address my point.

Since you didn't bother to read/and or extrapolate any of it by yourself from my link-- I'll help ya---

But the banks are not the only ones that rig the rules. The drug companies profit enormously from government-granted patent monopolies. Drugs are generally cheap, that is why it is possible to buy hundreds of generic drugs for $5 or $6 per prescription at chain drug stores. Drug companies are able to charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars for prescriptions because they have patent protection. As a result we spend close to $300 billion (at $1,000 per person) a year for drugs that would cost around $30 billion a year in a free market.

Do you work hard at being this naive? Why do you think it is that there is patent protection, hmm??

Nope, most two income families have gotten next to nothing from the government, have paid in far more than their "fair" share, yet are villified for their hard work and perseverance.

Your ignorance and rock's anger reveals exactly who you two are!!
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Do you work hard at being this naive? Why do you think it is that there is patent protection, hmm??

Nope, most two income families have gotten next to nothing from the government, have paid in far more than their "fair" share, yet are villified for their hard work and perseverance.

Your ignorance and rock's anger reveals exactly who you two are!!

Obviously Tink is not in the drug business. Maybe he/she is a secretary in the typing pool.

Obviously Tink is not in the drug business. Maybe he/she is a secretary in the typing pool.

She claims she is a pharma rep but I think she was but is unemployed and living off of hubby now. She has never been too sharp. Secretaries are generally brighter because they have to keep everyone else going - she couldn't do it! She might steal the printer though........

I bet she thinks that 2.5 billion drug companies had to pay in 2011 didn't cost any jobs at all. After all, it is just sticking it to those rich. horrible corporatiosn you know!
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Do you work hard at being this naive? Why do you think it is that there is patent protection, hmm??

Nope, most two income families have gotten next to nothing from the government, have paid in far more than their "fair" share, yet are villified for their hard work and perseverance.

Your ignorance and rock's anger reveals exactly who you two are!!

Yep, you are right, you have never benefited/and or recieved any help from the govt nor subsidies from the govt. You have never gone to Public School have you? Or gotten gas, or get utilities. Did you get a govt grant or financial aid for College?

As for the corporations never getting "corporate wellfare"--(which was actually the title and topic of my thread)---


"Yet the federal government continues to subsidize some of the biggest companies in America. Boeing, Xerox, IBM, Motorola, Dow Chemical, General Electric, and others have received millions in taxpayer-funded benefits through programs like the Advanced Technology Program and the Export-Import Bank. In addition, the federal crop subsidy programs continue to fund the wealthiest farmers"

Obviously Tink is not in the drug business. Maybe he/she is a secretary in the typing pool.

Actually I am in the drug business- have been for 20 years-- that is why I know all the inside scoop how these companies are actually managed and run, unethical, waste money and gauge the consumers. I see how ca$sh is hoarded at the top, with tiny minuscule amounts trickling down to the peons, but hey if you all want to drink the company Kool-Aid-- you go right ahead. You are probably one of the dolts that thonk you "make a dfiierence" out there in the field, instead of realizing what a joke this job is to everyone including the doctors.

Patent protection- a joke, they reap back what they put into the drug after one year of $billion $$ profits-- and they even get up on stage and brag about it in our national meetings.

The problem with the "patent cliff now" is that all the big pharma companies "research" into the next big $$billion $$$ me too toot drug has failed and now that are left to actually go out and try to find a "cure" for something.