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Govt Debt run Amok(again)

Ok, you fancy yourself a realist. We get it, but now we will see if you’re really a realist or just a pessimist masquerading as one.

You’re are totally correct at this moment in time as it pertains to the parties as a whole.

But there is still a critical difference still between the parties. There are elements in the Republican Party who are serious about the fiscal situation. An example would be most if not all all the members of the House Freedom Caucus. Now they may be a distinct minority but they do exist and represent at least some hope that one day the entire party might evolve to being fiscally responsible.

There are NO elements in the Democrat party that care about fiscal responsibility. To the extent they ever want to cut spending on anything it is almost always the military or the rare government program that is worthwhile and working well. But they want to cut those programs and not reduce spending but put it into some sort of liberal social engineering program they they cook up.

So, unless you’re going to give up and become a total defeatist the only viable option is to support Republican candidates, specifically those who are conservative on social issues as it’s been proven repeatedly that only they can be really trusted to be fiscally responsible. If you’re looking for the fiscally conservative social moderate (which actually means liberal) you’re better off spending your time looking for unicorns.

Now, what say you?

I agree that the Freedom Caucus is what you say - but there is no political by others to support their agenda...so they are dead in the water for now.
I can't name names, but I'm guessing there are a handful of right minded Democrats that see the clusterfuck for what it is.

Don't make the jump from social moderate to liberal...you're smarter than that(I assume). Just because I couldn't give a shit what you do in your bedroom or who you choose to fuck doesn't make me a Liberal.

Term limits will be the ultimate cure for this IMO, but no career D or R will ever get behind it. My asshole Congressman(David Price), won't even return calls or emails when you ask him the question.

I agree that the Freedom Caucus is what you say - but there is no political by others to support their agenda...so they are dead in the water for now.
I can't name names, but I'm guessing there are a handful of right minded Democrats that see the clusterfuck for what it is.

Don't make the jump from social moderate to liberal...you're smarter than that(I assume). Just because I couldn't give a shit what you do in your bedroom or who you choose to fuck doesn't make me a Liberal.

Term limits will be the ultimate cure for this IMO, but no career D or R will ever get behind it. My asshole Congressman(David Price), won't even return calls or emails when you ask him the question.

Respectfully the fact that there is no analogous organization in the Dem party to the freedom caucus and you can’t even come up with one Dem name is indicative that there is essentially NO interest in fiscal responsibility in the Democrat party.

As for your social moderate to liberal, depends on what you mean. I can agree with you in the sense that from a governmental perspective there is a zone of privacy around what people do in their bedrooms. The problem is that they don’t want to keep it there and if you tolerate their trying to bring their private behavior into the public square and seek public sanction for their private sexual behavior then I’m sorry but that’s not moderate, that’s liberal.

A moderate would say, you have the right to do what you want in the bedroom but keep your trap shut about anything that is outside the norm of monogamous heterosexual marriage which is the building block of society.

Respectfully the fact that there is no analogous organization in the Dem party to the freedom caucus and you can’t even come up with one Dem name is indicative that there is essentially NO interest in fiscal responsibility in the Democrat party.

As for your social moderate to liberal, depends on what you mean. I can agree with you in the sense that from a governmental perspective there is a zone of privacy around what people do in their bedrooms. The problem is that they don’t want to keep it there and if you tolerate their trying to bring their private behavior into the public square and seek public sanction for their private sexual behavior then I’m sorry but that’s not moderate, that’s liberal.

A moderate would say, you have the right to do what you want in the bedroom but keep your trap shut about anything that is outside the norm of monogamous heterosexual marriage which is the building block of society.

I'm not a Democrat, so I don't follow them...don't be surprised if I can't pick one name. Further, I do my best to not use broad brushes...so as to not stereotype.

Broad brushes...that is the problem today. Everyone uses them to put others in a nice easy box from which they can identify them and attack them...nice and easy.

I don't put the 'woke' sexuality mindset as liberal. Its just idiotic to me. Men and women. X and Y chromosomes. If you want to cut your junk off and take hormones, fine. Just don't make me pay for it or expect me to call you a girl. Do whatever the fuck you want(the libertarian in me), just don't infringe on me or mandate that I need to participate in the idiocy.