Goodbye ST, RS, & RP

It has been reported!! LOSER! And the cheek was turned the other fell on deaf ears!! And I NEVER sold off label but was sick of being asked to say things off label, unethical, "stretch the truth". Your post is hilarious because you have your head up your a$$ saying this doesn't happen!!
I do agree that lots of people have been helped by RB. The greed, desperation and lack of how to sell in a competitive environment has gotten in the way!! Good riddance!

You say good riddance but continue to come on here, blathering away. Go get some therapy for your stupidity, little girl.

No, this doesn't happen and you are seriously mental.

We are both on here and both can have our say but watch who you call a little girl jackass. Only a man would have the guts to call out those who deserve to brought down. And I am not the only one with these accusations , if you have really read these threads.

We are both on here and both can have our say but watch who you call a little girl jackass. Only a man would have the guts to call out those who deserve to brought down. And I am not the only one with these accusations , if you have really read these threads.

Hilarious, issuing threats now? Feeling like the cornered RAT FACE you are? God you are some PIECE OF WORK. What psych meds are you on? If you have been skipping them, NOW would be a good time to get back on them, head case.

written by a former employee who has no idea what is really going on.

Learning not to hide behind CP is hard for some of you. Its a two edged sword. Blaming and generalizing former employees, the majority of whom you do not know, is immature and irresponsible. Grow up and take responsibility for your own actions.

The scariest part of the RB board is the crazy stuff that people say and the name calling! It is a board to share opinion and/or even gripe about the company. When people say things have or have not happened it is up to each person to weed through the truth. Nothing on here is the whole truth...NOTHING! As the saying goes...there are 3 sides to a story! Each persons side and then the real truth.
Shady stuff has gone on at RB and anyone with any proof speaks with conviction for that reason. I agree that if you don't report it you should be quiet!!!

The funny thing is that the posters here call rb greedy etc. the bottom line is that this entire deal is based on greed. Wblowres are greedy. Like gypsies.......set up shop for a while find something make it look good for a while, then exploit it to get what they want then move on. So call the company or any company for that matter greedy, this just covers and masks the fact that the one pointing the finger is getting a pay check.

The funny thing is that the posters here call rb greedy etc. the bottom line is that this entire deal is based on greed. Wblowres are greedy. Like gypsies.......set up shop for a while find something make it look good for a while, then exploit it to get what they want then move on. So call the company or any company for that matter greedy, this just covers and masks the fact that the one pointing the finger is getting a pay check.

Please dont get into the whistleblower blame bitching when, if it were not for the company looking the other way, tolerating people on the inside who broke the rules & got away with it while others who either tried to change it from within got punished a whistleblower would not have had anything to say!!!

Please dont get into the whistleblower blame bitching when, if it were not for the company looking the other way, tolerating people on the inside who broke the rules & got away with it while others who either tried to change it from within got punished a whistleblower would not have had anything to say!!!

Mightier than thou are we.

Because people come on her and act like it is RB's direction. That is not true. I am sorry if some incompetent person with bad judgement did something wrong. But to come on her and make it appear that is the RB culture or the way we do business is wrong.

You are 100% right on. Yes, in every business in every industry there are liars, crooks and deviants. This is not RB culture. We have had some in mgmt. in the past, who allegedly said one thing and did another and some now. We have some reps who behave badly, just as in every other corporate environment. Many of us behave respectfully and professionally.

The scariest part of the RB board is the crazy stuff that people say and the name calling! It is a board to share opinion and/or even gripe about the company. When people say things have or have not happened it is up to each person to weed through the truth. Nothing on here is the whole truth...NOTHING! As the saying goes...there are 3 sides to a story! Each persons side and then the real truth.
Shady stuff has gone on at RB and anyone with any proof speaks with conviction for that reason. I agree that if you don't report it you should be quiet!!!

and I concur with most of what you said, except your comment that nothing on here is the whole truth. That is not correct, some of what you read here is absolutely the truth, but as you've noted, some is not. You cannot speak on what is truth, if you weren't there when it happened and have only gossip to go on, which is a lot of what you will hear at meetings and on the phone.

and I concur with most of what you said, except your comment that nothing on here is the whole truth. That is not correct, some of what you read here is absolutely the truth, but as you've noted, some is not. You cannot speak on what is truth, if you weren't there when it happened and have only gossip to go on, which is a lot of what you will hear at meetings and on the phone.

Very little is the truth, mainly the information is second and third hand then reformulated to what the poster wants it to be.