Good riddance Frank "Bud Fahey"

If Coutch is the replacement, I feel sorry for you guys. I left years ago and his reputation and my contact with him has been terrible.

He's an absolute ass clown. This was a big turn for the worse over Bud if this is true. Not there anymore but good luck. You used to have good products. Just terrible senior leadership.

Sad but true!
It's tough everywhere, but Abt Endo is definitely the laughing-stock of the Industry.
I was with Endo for 4 years, then fired by Jami Miller about 2 years ago.
(It doesn't pay to tell her she has her head up her ass...really, really really far up her ass....)
In a great place now with a smaller competitor, better culture, hours, $$$.
What a shame that these new upper management clowns f-up'd a once great company.
Good luck, all!

These house cleaning changes are kind of motivating, just need to wait and see on the restructure...if the new is just as bad as the old. Still need to change JM and RF soon

OMG. Foust is a sales director? Are you all nuts? I remember him when he was a pudgy, self absorbed marketing manager in Redwood city trying so hard to act like he was 'VP material'. Trying to figure out what brand of shoes to wear and what wines to like so that he sounded less like the working class nerd that he was. We all thought he was a joke. And baby face wouldn't know how to sell no matter how many SPIN selling classes he took. I'd be poking my eyes out with my free Abbott Logo pen at sales meetings if I had to listen to him pretend to be my fearless leader.

Richards days r numbered
He was put in that position by Chuck Foltz who announced his early retirement last week

Richards never managed before and was forced on Bud Fahey by Chuck

He will not be a sales director come spring time

Take that to the bank