Good National Meeting

I'm sure its not easy to plan and coordinate these meetings and I dont envy those who do. In fact, i think AZ does a great job logistically speaking. However, i think the point being made here is -why have a national type meeting at all if its going to be the same ol' same ol'. Someone has to step up and say enough already. Have district meetings nationwide for a day to diacuss any new marketing info (which should take all but an hour), discuss business plans and any other relevant info. Then call it a day. Realizing that a budget must be spent for these things, surely the saving can be used for something else like more product resources. Come to think of it, the extra savings would probably just go into the frenchmans raise next year anyway. So i say, Viva Las Vegas!

Trump is going to remake tax structure to cut the corporate rate and eliminate loop holes. In short, simplify the tax code. When they eliminate tax write offs for these types of meetings, corporate outings etc. then you will see these meetings cancelled. No more COE and no more big national meetings. Just watch.

I'm sure its not easy to plan and coordinate these meetings and I dont envy those who do. In fact, i think AZ does a great job logistically speaking. However, i think the point being made here is -why have a national type meeting at all if its going to be the same ol' same ol'. Someone has to step up and say enough already. Have district meetings nationwide for a day to diacuss any new marketing info (which should take all but an hour), discuss business plans and any other relevant info. Then call it a day. Realizing that a budget must be spent for these things, surely the saving can be used for something else like more product resources. Come to think of it, the extra savings would probably just go into the frenchmans raise next year anyway. So i say, Viva Las Vegas!
Good point. Someone has to have the "leadership" courage to say stop but that won't happen. Everything happens in the Districts not HQ. HQ dumbs it down puts a few clowns on stage for their ego and justification of their job. Wake up these meetings are old school bs

Good point. Someone has to have the "leadership" courage to say stop but that won't happen. Everything happens in the Districts not HQ. HQ dumbs it down puts a few clowns on stage for their ego and justification of their job. Wake up these meetings are old school bs

These types of meetings will end as soon as these meeting expenses are no longer tax deductible.
Every decision at AZ is run through the legal and financial filter before it is final. The bean counters have been running this company for years and it will only get stronger as the company continues to miss its financial targets. But it won't stop those at the top from voting themselves huge pay raises and stock options.

These types of meetings will end as soon as these meeting expenses are no longer tax deductible.
Every decision at AZ is run through the legal and financial filter before it is final. The bean counters have been running this company for years and it will only get stronger as the company continues to miss its financial targets. But it won't stop those at the top from voting themselves huge pay raises and stock options.

National meetings rotating personnel with Not one new idea or new thinking will go by the way of the dinosaur. Face it this is an old clunky model with recycled leaders putting on a show

These types of meetings will end as soon as these meeting expenses are no longer tax deductible.
Every decision at AZ is run through the legal and financial filter before it is final. The bean counters have been running this company for years and it will only get stronger as the company continues to miss its financial targets. But it won't stop those at the top from voting themselves huge pay raises and stock options.

You nailed it. But I doubt the tax write off will ever go away.
The corporate circle jerk won't.

National meetings rotating personnel with Not one new idea or new thinking will go by the way of the dinosaur. Face it this is an old clunky model with recycled leaders putting on a show

HQ source here. Not too long ago the concern was that our company was growing so fast that there would be a time when there wouldn't be any facilities large enough to accommodate a National Meeting. That sure isn't a problem any longer. The joke in the home office is that within a few years we will be able to hold a National Meeting at a McDonalds.

Tax write off or not The thinking and approach is antiquated and another example of poor leadership get with the times it's 2017 top companies don't act like that
Failing companies do. General Motors wasted money like drunken sailors until they went bankrupt and the government bailed them out. Sears did it with their Sears Tower monument in Chicago as an example and now their stock is $5 per share and they are selling stores and brands to raise cash. Polaroid and Kodak did it convinced that film cameras would never go out of demand. Remember when Blockbuster made the strategic decision to invest solely in DVDs for rentals as the future? The list is endless and soon AZ will be one of those names on the CP list of Lost Civilizations and we will be posting about the good old days. Oh wait, there weren't any good old days at AZ.

Failing companies do. General Motors wasted money like drunken sailors until they went bankrupt and the government bailed them out. Sears did it with their Sears Tower monument in Chicago as an example and now their stock is $5 per share and they are selling stores and brands to raise cash. Polaroid and Kodak did it convinced that film cameras would never go out of demand. Remember when Blockbuster made the strategic decision to invest solely in DVDs for rentals as the future? The list is endless and soon AZ will be one of those names on the CP list of Lost Civilizations and we will be posting about the good old days. Oh wait, there weren't any good old days at AZ.

Remember when the CEOs from the major auto manufacturers flew to Wash. D.C. on their corporate jets to ask for bailout money? Doesn't that mirror how out of touch our leadership is? AZ lays of hundreds of loyal employees, its stock is the worst performer in Pharma losing revenue two years in a row and they give the CEO a 68% raise. Doesn't that sound like a company on the fringe of collapsing from inside and top down?

HQ source here. Not too long ago the concern was that our company was growing so fast that there would be a time when there wouldn't be any facilities large enough to accommodate a National Meeting. That sure isn't a problem any longer. The joke in the home office is that within a few years we will be able to hold a National Meeting at a McDonalds.

True home office person:

I know who wrote this and he does not work in the home office and he won't work as a field sales rep for much longer.
We think it is ok to speak freely unless you disparage a minority.
It is OK to speak badly about the company too but we are going to make you vanish into the world of unemployed guy who needs to buy a car.