Good luck selling Zuplenz...

Wow, look at the comments from the reps. They were dead on and the responses from management and home office were way off. This is truly a good place to get the real perspective on things.

Wrong everyone...the original post was from someone who left years ago and testified against Brad, Nef, John and the rest of the crew. The original poster was so much smarter than everyone else at this place and warned all of you morons of impending doom. BTW-the federal investigation is still ongoing and Brad, Nef, John and Rick are still in deep dodo.

Go away! You bring no value, you are a worthless human being that thrives on negativity!!! This company just got approval for two new products! Jackass that is unheard in the pharmaceutical industry. Its obviously apparent that this company is doing something right. What they also did right was get rid of you! The problem is that this Gossip Website gives idiots like you a chance to speak.

Remember this quote...Hey corporate where are those products now?? Doing something right??? HAHAHAHAHA! Now who looks like a Jackass.