Good luck selling Zuplenz...


...when oral dissolving tablets of Zofran is already generic. What a fucking joke your company is. What a complete waste of time and money. You will be lucky to get 1 Rx. ha,ha,ha

I agree with the above post, go find something better to do Jackass, your such a tool for saything such dumb shit. No wonder why this industry is so tough, there are douche bags like yourself that make negative comments and have nothing to show for. Your probably some dumb ex employee that got shit canned for poor performance. "you want fries with that sir" thats probably your new job! HA HA or "can I pump gas for you sir".

...when oral dissolving tablets of Zofran is already generic. What a fucking joke your company is. What a complete waste of time and money. You will be lucky to get 1 Rx. ha,ha,ha

OP has a valid point that should be discussed but all the other comments on this thread is what gives CP a bad name.

Go away! You bring no value, you are a worthless human being that thrives on negativity!!! This company just got approval for two new products! Jackass that is unheard in the pharmaceutical industry. Its obviously apparent that this company is doing something right. What they also did right was get rid of you! The problem is that this Gossip Website gives idiots like you a chance to speak.

Go away! You bring no value, you are a worthless human being that thrives on negativity!!! This company just got approval for two new products! Jackass that is unheard in the pharmaceutical industry. Its obviously apparent that this company is doing something right. What they also did right was get rid of you! The problem is that this Gossip Website gives idiots like you a chance to speak.


...when oral dissolving tablets of Zofran is already generic. What a fucking joke your company is. What a complete waste of time and money. You will be lucky to get 1 Rx. ha,ha,ha

I didn't know there was a generic dissolving zofran. No one told me that in the interview. It would have been nice to know.

What did you get? Your job, jackass if you dont want your job then quit. quit being such a wimp, get in the game, your going to let generic dictate your success. Looks like you won't be here for long. Loser

What did you get? Your job, jackass if you dont want your job then quit. quit being such a wimp, get in the game, your going to let generic dictate your success. Looks like you won't be here for long. Loser

Let me ask you genious, why is the industry going through some tough times? Is it because of generics. Yes, I think it is. Why are all the generic companies doing well genious. Do you have a clue?

Hey dumbass, last time I checked we are a generic company!!!!! Have you been on our website recently? I can see that you wont be here long. God you are stupid! We have two new products to promote and your complaining about generics when in fact we are a generic company working in their branded division, douche bag we have the best of both worlds right now!! WTF are you thinking!!! I hope you get shit canned ASAP!!! This industry doesnt need people like you!

Why are people so negative.

Ok so we all know Zuplenz is not going to be a blockbuster, but its a new drug! Something new to talk about with our Doctors. Im excited about it.

Why are people so negative.

Ok so we all know Zuplenz is not going to be a blockbuster, but its a new drug! Something new to talk about with our Doctors. Im excited about it.

It has been a while since anyone commented on this. So how is this wonder drug doing against Zofran? I went to an urgent care lately and I got generic Zofran...the doctor never even brought up your product...just wondering