Good Bye Stiolto dude and Lincare fool


Good bye to the doom and gloom Stiolto guy & the jealous bitch Lincare fool.
I was retained and won't be reading Cafepharma for a long time.

Keep posting all you want you two will be the only ones on here.

Careful Karma is a bitch, almost as much as you two.


Stiolto is failing thread OP here. Was retained too. Congrats on being retained yourself. Me or you, let go, retained, switched T.A., found new jobs, decided to quit on our own, became Astronauts and fly to Mars ...none of it changes the fact that Stiolto is a crap product destined for failure. Laying people off hasn't changed the fact that the product is still less than 50% to goal and only doing 18 Million YTD. More layoffs on the horizon folks.

Still +1ing yourself. I thought you said you were done. I was right on the Stiolto thread all the way from last September. The drug hasn't done well at all, and will continue to do nothing. Layoffs haven't somehow magically changed what the Dr.s think about this product. The same mentality that has kept this product at 18 Mil. YTD and less than 50% is still exactly the same situation. Nothing's changed. Nothing is better. It's not doom and gloom. It's reality. That reality is reflected in sales $s. Not your feelings, nor my feelings. You seem desperate to not accept it, but try.

Lincare rep here and good for you for being retained. You are scum and continuing to work for a scum company being treated like trash and selling a garbage med. I'm happy for you. I will continue to trash stiolto and pradaxa everywhere I go! Boom!

Lincare fool here and congrats on being retained. I hope your gutter company continues to treat you like trash.

I will continue to dominate both pradaxa and stiolto in my market!

Stiolto failing OP here: listen, I have always been right. I come on here only trying to give you comfort in knowing quitting this place is only sensible. Stiolto is a total joke product. As much as I have tried to sell it I only hear that when we have a triple only then we will be relevant. I want you to learn from me. You shouldn't waste energy in promoting a product that has only brought in 53 M. Don't listen to the other fools, no one writes it and I am right in every post I make. You're a loser.

Lincare rep again. I take pleasure in outselling you fools everyday. I use the stiolto guys words in my detailings everyday too. So easy.

First off, you're the same person. It's amazing how juvenile you are. You pretended to not even work at this company. Pretended you're an expert. It's entertaining, but pathetic. You still don't get it. Simply telling a dr that a product is doing great or doing poorly doesn't change the Drs opinion of the product. You're juvenile so you think it does. It doesn't. You could tell a dr all day that Spiriva is crap and Stiolto is the best thing in the world. That doesn't change their minds. This isn't a 6 year old cheerleading competition. 18 million YTD. It's reality. I know you want to bury your head in the sand and ignore it. That's fine. Don't tell others to ignore it. That's exactly why people were let go.

First off, you're the same person. It's amazing how juvenile you are. You pretended to not even work at this company. Pretended you're an expert. It's entertaining, but pathetic. You still don't get it. Simply telling a dr that a product is doing great or doing poorly doesn't change the Drs opinion of the product. You're juvenile so you think it does. It doesn't. You could tell a dr all day that Spiriva is crap and Stiolto is the best thing in the world. That doesn't change their minds. This isn't a 6 year old cheerleading competition. 18 million YTD. It's reality. I know you want to bury your head in the sand and ignore it. That's fine. Don't tell others to ignore it. That's exactly why people were let go.

What are you talking about? Ever heard of evidence based practice? My doctors have better experience with nebs. They test their patients on use of dpi and mdi with a peak flow meter and most find that less than 10% of their copd patients can use these delivery methods effectively. So the switch these patients to a nebbed anticholinergic, a nebbed Laba,and a nebbed corticosteroid. Quite simple there is no cheerleading here.

And to follow up on that. Pradaxa. Garbage. bID vs one time daily, expensive, donut hole, irreversible without another prescribed med, lawsuits galore. Need I say more!!!

Vitamin k. Dum dum. I was watching night shift last night and the er Drs were talking about all these new stupid meds patients insist on that throw surgeons off. Like it or not doctors don't like pradaxa, eliquis, and xaralto.
What?? Just putting vitamins K down shows me you just plucked a word out of the air and stuck it down. What about Pradaxa is irreversible? Can you explain I am a resp rep so I am asking you for a simple (or hard) explanation. What's Vit k have to do with Pradaxa again too since you mentioned it?

What are you talking about? Ever heard of evidence based practice? My doctors have better experience with nebs. They test their patients on use of dpi and mdi with a peak flow meter and most find that less than 10% of their copd patients can use these delivery methods effectively. So the switch these patients to a nebbed anticholinergic, a nebbed Laba,and a nebbed corticosteroid. Quite simple there is no cheerleading here.

You should read "Nebs No More After 24".

-Former InSpec who has landed elsewhere.

What?? Just putting vitamins K down shows me you just plucked a word out of the air and stuck it down. What about Pradaxa is irreversible? Can you explain I am a resp rep so I am asking you for a simple (or hard) explanation. What's Vit k have to do with Pradaxa again too since you mentioned it?

You work in medicine and don't understand that vitamin k reverses the anticoag effects of traditional warfarin. Sorry the docs i work with have an education normally I don't need to dumb it down to the high school level. Maybe if you work in medica sales you should familiarize yourself with some of the most common meds and disease processes. Many of your copd patients also have afib buddy.

You work in medicine and don't understand that vitamin k reverses the anticoag effects of traditional warfarin. Sorry the docs i work with have an education normally I don't need to dumb it down to the high school level. Maybe if you work in medica sales you should familiarize yourself with some of the most common meds and disease processes. Many of your copd patients also have afib buddy.

Haha. I think you are conflating how to reverse out warf with a drug irreversibly binding to a blood factor. I see, you are playing fast and loose with your information now. Can't wait to meet you in the field with your sizable knowledge of hemostasis and anti-coagulation. I pray you are in my territory monkeying around with your knowledge.