Good AI and digital opportunities out there in big pharma?


Im with Lilly working in the capabilities functions (middle management) in analytics amd AI in europe, been here 4 years now. Have with 12 years of tevh experience from FANNg . My experience at Lilly has been horrid to put it mildly - completely incompetent, ignorant management, leaders working in these functions are all mostly manufacturing hires who know nothing about tech- for the life of me, dont understand how they managed it - Ive had to define analytics on a slide to my boss. The culture is so toxic and cult like, bullying very commonplace and its so hard to feel a sense of belonging. Promotions depend on how well I can brown nose the boss man. And im not making any progress.

I want to leave Lilly and Ive been toying with the idea of getting back to tech but wanted to give other pharma companies a go before I did that. Which big pharma companies out there have good digital and ai teams based on your experience? And ehats the culture like?

Im with Lilly working in the capabilities functions (middle management) in analytics amd AI in europe, been here 4 years now. Have with 12 years of tevh experience from FANNg . My experience at Lilly has been horrid to put it mildly - completely incompetent, ignorant management, leaders working in these functions are all mostly manufacturing hires who know nothing about tech- for the life of me, dont understand how they managed it - Ive had to define analytics on a slide to my boss. The culture is so toxic and cult like, bullying very commonplace and its so hard to feel a sense of belonging. Promotions depend on how well I can brown nose the boss man. And im not making any progress.

I want to leave Lilly and Ive been toying with the idea of getting back to tech but wanted to give other pharma companies a go before I did that. Which big pharma companies out there have good digital and ai teams based on your experience? And ehats the culture like?
Middle management is tough and it is getting worse. Especially if you are being forced to do admin work and not doing hands on cutting-edge work anymore you will have a hard time going back to big tech. You are right politics on pharma side are horrible. If you are not a good politician, chances are you will be pushed out eventually. Unfortunately this is the reality of this industry.

^I agree with the above comment. I might add that every pharma company I've spoken with ranging from small-cap, mid-cap, and large-cap companies are mostly AI chasers. I am in a similar function as the original poster and asked about AI in every interview. I think almost all of them are overlooking glaring issues that exist with their culture, policies, processes, and products that are highly unlikely to be fixed by AI in the near-term. However, long-term AI investments are highly likely to be beneficial in terms of optimizations. If I was in big tech, I would not waste my time with most pharma company leadership unless they are like highly specialized VPs of analytics that have a lot of political weight for freedom to operate with big budgets for datasets and software packages.