Go Back to "1" rep per territory.


This is what makes the most sense for these reasons. I've been in pharma for 20 years.

1. have about 120 docs on each call list. some of these docs will be no-see's.
2. call on every month, they will be MORE willing to talk to the reps.
3. It gives ownership to their territory, instead of 2 or 3 reps looking for ways to not work as hard. AZ known by other drug companies as "The Whining Company". Not my words.
4. Have each rep plan out each 30 day call plan. Make them responsible for their actions.
You only have a bunch of finger-pointers now. If Mgt. cannot see this, then AZ is doomed.
5. Make AZ reps get SIGNATURES on every detail, even if samples are not left. This will separate the weak from the strong. How many FAKE calls end up in NEW RX's, answer NONE.
6. AZ has many bad DM's. Get rid of them. Maybe, as high as 30%.
7. With the nice pay and bonus AZ pays out, make the reps EARN it. You have a very dysfunctional company now.
8. Finally, is sales....this may be the most important aspect. As sales rep, it is WHAT we can get the doctor to do differently, that they were NOT doing before. Leaving samples is something anyone can do.
9. Now it's up to AZ management. Can they make the RIGHT call?


This is what makes the most sense for these reasons. I've been in pharma for 20 years.

1. have about 120 docs on each call list. some of these docs will be no-see's.
2. call on every month, they will be MORE willing to talk to the reps.
3. It gives ownership to their territory, instead of 2 or 3 reps looking for ways to not work as hard. AZ known by other drug companies as "The Whining Company". Not my words.
4. Have each rep plan out each 30 day call plan. Make them responsible for their actions.
You only have a bunch of finger-pointers now. If Mgt. cannot see this, then AZ is doomed.
5. Make AZ reps get SIGNATURES on every detail, even if samples are not left. This will separate the weak from the strong. How many FAKE calls end up in NEW RX's, answer NONE.
6. AZ has many bad DM's. Get rid of them. Maybe, as high as 30%.
7. With the nice pay and bonus AZ pays out, make the reps EARN it. You have a very dysfunctional company now.
8. Finally, is sales....this may be the most important aspect. As sales rep, it is WHAT we can get the doctor to do differently, that they were NOT doing before. Leaving samples is something anyone can do.
9. Now it's up to AZ management. Can they make the RIGHT call?

Yes..... We can, you think to much- therefore you are dangerous, therefore you are fired!

This is what makes the most sense for these reasons. I've been in pharma for 20 years.

1. have about 120 docs on each call list. some of these docs will be no-see's.
2. call on every month, they will be MORE willing to talk to the reps.
3. It gives ownership to their territory, instead of 2 or 3 reps looking for ways to not work as hard. AZ known by other drug companies as "The Whining Company". Not my words.
4. Have each rep plan out each 30 day call plan. Make them responsible for their actions.
You only have a bunch of finger-pointers now. If Mgt. cannot see this, then AZ is doomed.
5. Make AZ reps get SIGNATURES on every detail, even if samples are not left. This will separate the weak from the strong. How many FAKE calls end up in NEW RX's, answer NONE.
6. AZ has many bad DM's. Get rid of them. Maybe, as high as 30%.
7. With the nice pay and bonus AZ pays out, make the reps EARN it. You have a very dysfunctional company now.
8. Finally, is sales....this may be the most important aspect. As sales rep, it is WHAT we can get the doctor to do differently, that they were NOT doing before. Leaving samples is something anyone can do.
9. Now it's up to AZ management. Can they make the RIGHT call?

Will not happen, and CAN not happen for many reasons:
1. Without getting too technical, we need more 'ticks' in the expense column. We're still extremely profitable, so keeping redundant field forces around seriously impacts our bottom live.

2. Less reps mean (gasp) fewer mid and upper level managers. We all know that those at the tippy top need layers of sycophants allll around them.

Your post is spot on, and represents what the industry was like 25 years ago: each rep was responsible for her own territory, and either successfully managed it as a business or was fired after 1.5 to 2 years. What we have today is a mess brought to us (first) by Merck and Pfizer. The mess, known as 'reach and frequency' and 'share -of-voice', was soon monkeyed by Novartis, and trickled down to us.

This is what makes the most sense for these reasons. I've been in pharma for 20 years.

1. have about 120 docs on each call list. some of these docs will be no-see's.
2. call on every month, they will be MORE willing to talk to the reps.
3. It gives ownership to their territory, instead of 2 or 3 reps looking for ways to not work as hard. AZ known by other drug companies as "The Whining Company". Not my words.
4. Have each rep plan out each 30 day call plan. Make them responsible for their actions.
You only have a bunch of finger-pointers now. If Mgt. cannot see this, then AZ is doomed.
5. Make AZ reps get SIGNATURES on every detail, even if samples are not left. This will separate the weak from the strong. How many FAKE calls end up in NEW RX's, answer NONE.
6. AZ has many bad DM's. Get rid of them. Maybe, as high as 30%.
7. With the nice pay and bonus AZ pays out, make the reps EARN it. You have a very dysfunctional company now.
8. Finally, is sales....this may be the most important aspect. As sales rep, it is WHAT we can get the doctor to do differently, that they were NOT doing before. Leaving samples is something anyone can do.
9. Now it's up to AZ management. Can they make the RIGHT call?

I remember those days. Saw plenty of physicians, got hoarse from detailing, did a full days work and was satisfied with the job. Agree with much of what you have said, but Docs just aren't going to bother to sign for every detail. If they know this they'll think "I haven't got time for that nonsense" and stop seeing you. Too reps would just start leaving cookies to appease staff and push an ipad for a signature.

Be careful suggesting anything in this culture. The perception is you are dissatisfied, less moldable for coaching, and therefore something is amiss. It can turn around and bite you in the ass.

Interesting perspective. Been posted already a number of times on CP. Ain't gonna happen.

I like being able to hide among my counterparts, and you should too if you had any sense! Come on people! Take advantage of Frenchie's belief that the more reps we have, the better! Yes, we need about a 75% layoff, but it ain't gonna happen, so enjoy the short work days, the lying, cheating, and stealing! It's great!

This is the model that the industry has adopted and is somewhat sustainable, although the number of reps in the field waxes and wanes based on consultants suggestions. The problem I have with the OP is he/she is the arrogant cock that assumes they are the rep who will be the chosen one to stay. They are the type who believes they are the only ones working and everyone else is what is wrong with pharma. One rep per territory puts 70% or so reps out of work - I've been there and wouldn't wish it on anyone, not even the OP. Shut your yap, do your job and try not to trip over yourselves. That is the right thing. Some management wannabe suggesting things that jeopardize our jobs is just plain silly.

The OP is of course correct. We get paid for doing Lunches big deal. I hate what AZ has become, and the other reps who always want to take the glory.
Let the games begin...

I like being able to hide among my counterparts, and you should too if you had any sense! Come on people! Take advantage of Frenchie's belief that the more reps we have, the better! Yes, we need about a 75% layoff, but it ain't gonna happen, so enjoy the short work days, the lying, cheating, and stealing! It's great!

Finally, someone who appreciates what we have at AZ! Management incompetence is our ally!

I don't know for sure but I am at 32 years and I still see a lot of doctors and I get in a lot of calls and don't have to lie about or fake calls! I have a great rural territory and am still doing very well!

Never will be the day of one per territory, but chances are you'll get a oar tail wish come true. By end of q3 , there will be some writing on the wall so to speak. Warn act will be "enacted" before you know it. Is there another option for AZ moving forward, with patent loss of Crestor, etc? Unless AZ is willing to continue the trend of hiring unrelentlessly, trying to reach the 45b goal by 2023 with more head count.

This is what makes the most sense for these reasons. I've been in pharma for 20 years.

1. have about 120 docs on each call list. some of these docs will be no-see's.
2. call on every month, they will be MORE willing to talk to the reps.
3. It gives ownership to their territory, instead of 2 or 3 reps looking for ways to not work as hard. AZ known by other drug companies as "The Whining Company". Not my words.
4. Have each rep plan out each 30 day call plan. Make them responsible for their actions.
You only have a bunch of finger-pointers now. If Mgt. cannot see this, then AZ is doomed.
5. Make AZ reps get SIGNATURES on every detail, even if samples are not left. This will separate the weak from the strong. How many FAKE calls end up in NEW RX's, answer NONE.
6. AZ has many bad DM's. Get rid of them. Maybe, as high as 30%.
7. With the nice pay and bonus AZ pays out, make the reps EARN it. You have a very dysfunctional company now.
8. Finally, is sales....this may be the most important aspect. As sales rep, it is WHAT we can get the doctor to do differently, that they were NOT doing before. Leaving samples is something anyone can do.
9. Now it's up to AZ management. Can they make the RIGHT call?

If you think a physician is going to sign just so there is "proof" that you have been there, you do not have any true relationships with your physicians and clearly have not been working for the last 10 years. Get a clue! Offices are closed because reps have taken up their time with meaningless crap like that. They can read, you know! They do not need reps to tell them about these drugs.

If you think a physician is going to sign just so there is "proof" that you have been there, you do not have any true relationships with your physicians and clearly have not been working for the last 10 years. Get a clue! Offices are closed because reps have taken up their time with meaningless crap like that. They can read, you know! They do not need reps to tell them about these drugs.

Docs can read but will they read about each and every product? Nah, they would much rather see me and my giant breats walk in.

MUST HAVE STRONG WORKERS for any one person territory!

.....No, no shows, early departures, cheaters of the system!!

A move toward hiring specialty reps is the way to go! These have a track record for doing the work solo and getting results!

doctors will sign, anything you put in front of them...if you your docs don't ask if you want them to "Sign"? They sign, because WE trained them to sign...sorry sister....this is the only way to show AZ that people work, as most AZ reps are LAZY like YOU!!

doctors will sign, anything you put in front of them...if you your docs don't ask if you want them to "Sign"? They sign, because WE trained them to sign...sorry sister....this is the only way to show AZ that people work, as most AZ reps are LAZY like YOU!!

Yeah... sure. And watch call averages plummet like a rock. Even AZ wouldn't want the stock market or shareholders to see that.

I don't know for sure but I am at 32 years and I still see a lot of doctors and I get in a lot of calls and don't have to lie about or fake calls! I have a great rural territory and am still doing very well!

Think about what this total idiot wrote, "I don't know for sure but I am 32 years old….". What kind of moron is this? He doesn't "know for sure" if he is 32 years old, or he/she "get in a lot of calls". What a total fool!

The op is right on.
Simply put, we could get by with one oral and one injectable in a reasonable sized territory.
And at this point no territory could be too small.
WE have TOO MANY reps and managers now.
And don't get me started on the contract squad who just go around dropping samples. We just don't need them.
AZ needs to wake up.