Last Spring the AD for the West "Crazy Mike" was shown the door after a brief stint in the role. Next was VP of Sales TC, AKA "Evil Tony", who orchestrated and directed the demise of many reps and managers during his less than 2-year Reign of Terror. In terms of demoralization of the sales force, Evil Tony took a page from the playbook of the original VP of Sales he replaced - he grabbed the ball and ran with it. It's rare in the industry that a VP of Sales would involve himself directly in the management of individual reps, yet that's what he did - over-stepping his AD's and RD's to order specific reps be pressured and/or placed on plans was business as usual for TC. Ironically, Evil Tony ultimately suffered a similar fate when he, too, was forced out. Live by the sword, die by the sword. And just a few months later, Do-Nothing Madison, the illustrious CEO, who seemed content to sit back and collect his pay and perks while Rome burned, exited stage left. Word is that the situation at Keryx has improved with new players in leadership roles. Time will tell.