Globus trauma?

Time to pull the plug on this train wreck. The scam of signing up docs as “design consultants” only to push them to fight to get Globus products at their hospitals has failed miserably. Meanwhile the rich multi-year guarantees to past prime Synthes reps and managers must be starting to expire. Will they be willing to re-sign them given the pathetic ROI so far? It’s hard to believe it’s the same executive management team that so skillfully guided Globus’ rapid assent as a spine powerhouse. Wonder if they now regret jumping into trauma.

Time to pull the plug on this train wreck. The scam of signing up docs as “design consultants” only to push them to fight to get Globus products at their hospitals has failed miserably. Meanwhile the rich multi-year guarantees to past prime Synthes reps and managers must be starting to expire. Will they be willing to re-sign them given the pathetic ROI so far? It’s hard to believe it’s the same executive management team that so skillfully guided Globus’ rapid assent as a spine powerhouse. Wonder if they now regret jumping into trauma.

So what’s next for all the Synthes folk that came over here on big guarantees? No way sales are high enough to cover once they run out.

Regarding Synthes, it's now clear the company made the reps and not the reps made the company. Synthes reps were handed all the tools to win, all they had to do was show up..... or not show up as is the reputation of some of the ex-Synthes guys. The point is they never needed to be good salesmen which is clear when they go to work for any of the competitors. Should be really interesting to see what happens to the guys on big guarantees and no progress/results to speak of.

It’s now clear the gamble by Globus to be a trauma player is a miserable failure. The strategy of loading up on ex-Synthes guys and giving them big guarantees was flawed from the beginning. Now they are dismantling the train wreck as fast as they can. Synthes was service oriented and not sales driven. Globus had no trauma business to service, what they needed were sales. Stick to what you’re good at. For Globus it’s paying for play in the spine market.

Globus has proven trauma docs can be bought but without a full bag they're not a serious threat. Besides, the Synthes stockpiles most hospitals own will take years to burn. Meanwhile Globus is cornering the market for $600 distal radius cases. Not sure there's a strategy here.