Global Diversity, Equity &Inclusion


Here we go again. Pfizer commenting on the Rittenhouse and Arbery cases. Hosting a Safe Listening session for any saps who need it. I don’t know all the evidence in these two cases but superficially it looks like Rittenhouse and the father/son duo should be going to jail for a long time. I’m sorry I just think Pfizer should keep there nose out of this stuff. Do people really need to talk about this with company colleagues? They are encouraging people to share their stories so all the white people can be made to fell racist. Keep making the vaccine and the pills and stay out of social and political issues


Here we go again. Pfizer commenting on the Rittenhouse and Arbery cases. Hosting a Safe Listening session for any saps who need it. I don’t know all the evidence in these two cases but superficially it looks like Rittenhouse and the father/son duo should be going to jail for a long time. I’m sorry I just think Pfizer should keep there nose out of this stuff. Do people really need to talk about this with company colleagues? They are encouraging people to share their stories so all the white people can be made to fell racist. Keep making the vaccine and the pills and stay out of social and political issues

I agree Pfizer should stick to making drugs, but you just gave an uninformed opinion about guilt in two cases you admit you know nothing about. That's a problem. if you don't know the facts we shouldn't care what you think about the cases, same goes with Pfizer.

I agree Pfizer should stick to making drugs, but you just gave an uninformed opinion about guilt in two cases you admit you know nothing about. That's a problem. if you don't know the facts we shouldn't care what you think about the cases, same goes with Pfizer.

Difference is this guy is giving his opinion on CP vs. Pfizer email.

Here we go again. Pfizer commenting on the Rittenhouse and Arbery cases. Hosting a Safe Listening session for any saps who need it. I don’t know all the evidence in these two cases but superficially it looks like Rittenhouse and the father/son duo should be going to jail for a long time. I’m sorry I just think Pfizer should keep there nose out of this stuff. Do people really need to talk about this with company colleagues? They are encouraging people to share their stories so all the white people can be made to fell racist. Keep making the vaccine and the pills and stay out of social and political issues

Thanks for the laugh. Every legal expert out there is expecting Rittenhouse will be fully acquitted. Apparently you know something everyone else in America doesn’t.

Was gonna say I haven’t seen one. Actually it’s been awhile. I think someone told Albert to STFU with that crap awhile ago. It looks bad. Stick to making medicine.

So, lets say a group of Unite the Right protesters have been rioting for 3 days, burning and looting. On day day 4 a black, NFAC member drives across state lines with an AR and goes to protect a black church which has been looted. While there, he decides to leave. On the way out, several Unite the Right hotheads attack him. Some hit him. At least 2 have handguns. They are heard by many witnesses saying, "lets kill him". The NFAC dude, in self defense, shots them.

Are you telling me, you would be defending him? I don't believe you.

So, lets say a group of Unite the Right protesters have been rioting for 3 days, burning and looting. On day day 4 a black, NFAC member drives across state lines with an AR and goes to protect a black church which has been looted. While there, he decides to leave. On the way out, several Unite the Right hotheads attack him. Some hit him. At least 2 have handguns. They are heard by many witnesses saying, "lets kill him". The NFAC dude, in self defense, shots them.

Are you telling me, you would be defending him? I don't believe you.
Please go away. Both of you! This site is more and more becoming like FB and the comments section on FoxNews site.

There is an excellent chance that a sizable percentage of us that work here today will be cut loose next year. If what happened in the past re-occurs, other companies will copy our move.

All I want is for Pfizer to stop sending emails pertaining to events that happen in the US. What about the 100’s of young black men killing young black in Chicago, what about the illegal immigrant who murders a US citizen and the I could on and on. Are these tragedies any less important than the Rittenhouse and Arbery case? I’m guessing most of us don’t need Pfizer to our Moral compass. Stop with the emails about US current

All I want is for Pfizer to stop sending emails pertaining to events that happen in the US. What about the 100’s of young black men killing young black in Chicago, what about the illegal immigrant who murders a US citizen and the I could on and on. Are these tragedies any less important than the Rittenhouse and Arbery case? I’m guessing most of us don’t need Pfizer to our Moral compass. Stop with the emails about US current
Your constant...nay..incessant posting about this and other leftist policies and opinions isnt going to sway anyone one way or the other. Truth be told, its rather sad. Why dont you go back to your old strategy and pretend to be a minority and start another thread? And another thing: posting 3 times in 45 minutes speaks to a mental health issue.

Your constant...nay..incessant posting about this and other leftist policies and opinions isnt going to sway anyone one way or the other. Truth be told, its rather sad. Why dont you go back to your old strategy and pretend to be a minority and start another thread? And another thing: posting 3 times in 45 minutes speaks to a mental health issue.

you are little fairy dork!