November 1st Global Live Broadcast with Albert

If I didn’t need this job I’d love to ask Albert at what point do you remove every senior leader that has contributed to our pain and suffering in the field. Your team makes poor decisions and we pay the price for it with the stress and anxiety of job loss. How about the jokers that pushed for the pain drug. The FDA shot it down with not a single advisor voting in supply of approval. There may have been one person that voted yes. The diabetes drug will be next. Pouring millions of dollars into a BID drug with significant side effects when competitors will be QD and a cleaner side-effect profile. Keep telling the analysts we are working on QD formulation. Sadly, you will be long gone before the announcement we are discontinuing our development of this product. Maybe we can relaunch inhaled insulin. That was an absolute joke. Paid Novo $1 billion for exclusive marketing rights. I think we lost $999,999,999 on that deal.

After the conference call you will be asked not to go back into the field. You'll be asked to sit by and wait for a manager to call you to let you know the status of your employment. If you are retained you'll have to go into a realignment. When they realign after an acquisition they often will assign you to a territory that can be 3 to 4 hours from your home , or it can even be in another state. If you don't move to your new territory they will fire you. This way they can save on giving severence to half of you. It's just another way of making sure half of you just quit.

Thus is just what Pfizer does to retain money for the ELT bonuses.

After the conference call you will be asked not to go back into the field. You'll be asked to sit by and wait for a manager to call you to let you know the status of your employment. If you are retained you'll have to go into a realignment. When they realign after an acquisition they often will assign you to a territory that can be 3 to 4 hours from your home , or it can even be in another state. If you don't move to your new territory they will fire you. This way they can save on giving severence to half of you. It's just another way of making sure half of you just quit.

Thus is just what Pfizer does to retain money for the ELT bonuses.
Flat out false but nice try. Updated severance package spells realignment geography aspect specifically. If you get offered a role hours away or another state you can decline it and be eligible for severance.