glen beckkk not advocating violence

Pure scum, why he's allowed to preach his hate and mobilized armies of crazies to do violent things is beyond me. His message shoot the "commies" (i.e. liberals in his delusional world) "before they shot you" is pretty clear in this clip.
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Pure scum, why he's allowed to preach his hate and mobilized armies of crazies to do violent things is beyond me.

I'm sure it is seeing as how the stuff you say he does, he doesn't do.

I know what he actually espouses, do you? Do you listen to him, FREQUENTLY with your own ears or do you listen to what the whacko lefty sites SAY about him.

Where are the cons on this one?

Can you begin to even imagine if Keith Oblermann had said the exact same thing in reference to republiklans?

SPN . . . sbelle . . . Are you out there? What do you think of this vile comment from Glenn Beck?

Oh, I get it - When a FOX meat puppet says it, the cons ignore the comment and hope the issue goes away.

If a 'liberal' pundit says anything remotely close to what Beck said, the con outrage and phony indignation is spewed all over this board.


This is where the conclowns come in to tell us about how fantastic Fox ratings are; because thats the only thing thats important.

But, did you know the NBPP had a guy standing in front of a polling place carrying a stick? THAT was violent intent, not what Beck said.

This is where the conclowns come in to tell us about how fantastic Fox ratings are; because thats the only thing thats important.

But, did you know the NBPP had a guy standing in front of a polling place carrying a stick? THAT was violent intent, not what Beck said.

Yes, Retarded Anal Boy, there is a huge difference between brandishing a weapon outside of a polling place and anything that Glen Beck has said. But we know since you're retarded, you can't grasp the obvious!

Where are the cons on this one?

Can you begin to even imagine if Keith Oblermann had said the exact same thing in reference to republiklans?

SPN . . . sbelle . . . Are you out there? What do you think of this vile comment from Glenn Beck?

Oh, I get it - When a FOX meat puppet says it, the cons ignore the comment and hope the issue goes away.

If a 'liberal' pundit says anything remotely close to what Beck said, the con outrage and phony indignation is spewed all over this board.


Some of us have to work now and then you know.

I've stated before that I think Beck is absolutely nuts. He rants and raves and goes off on odd tangents and tries to connect things that just aren't even vaguely related. I would have to see his message in context, as the idea that you would have to shoot someone before they shoot you is nothing unacceptable, it's self defense, but he does sound like his normal irratic self and, in this out of context clip, the comment is atrocious. It might make more sense if I saw the entire rant but I doubt it and it likely is just as wrong.

Your indignation is misplaced though as libbies refuse to say anything negative about Olbermann who is just as rabid and nuts as Beck, just the opposite side of the coin. Most of you still claim libbies are always peaceful protesters which is sheer rubbish. So if you want to speak about phony outrage, look in the mirror.

I have pointed out the left's hatred in response to those who want to act like this kind of heated noise is just from the extreme right. The reality is, I have no big problem with what Beck or Olbermann says. They have the right to their views and I think it's healthy to expose the extremists on both sides. Most people reject extremism though and I don't think Beck or any of those on the extreme left, have been the cause of anyone doing anything. To think Palin or Beck, Maher or Olbermann, caused Tucson is as idiotic as those trying to connect MO's 'get moving' campaign with the rise in pedestrian fatalities.

RAB, I can't believe you are still defending the NBPP idiot. No matter how much you deny it, I person dressed in NBPP garb, carrying a weapon, has absolutely no business at a polling place. They are a radical, white hating group and you weaken your argument against Beck defending this nonsense. If this was a white supremacy group, they would have been tried and convicted. This was explicit voter intimidation and is far more serious than some pundit on the radio. There are laws against it, they just aren't applied when it is white hate in action.
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Some of us have to work now and then you know.

I've stated before that I think Beck is absolutely nuts. He rants and raves and goes off on odd tangents and tries to connect things that just aren't even vaguely related. I would have to see his message in context, as the idea that you would have to shoot someone before they shoot you is nothing unacceptable, it's self defense, but he does sound like his normal irratic self and, in this out of context clip, the comment is atrocious. It might make more sense if I saw the entire rant but I doubt it and it likely is just as wrong.

Your indignation is misplaced though as libbies refuse to say anything negative about Olbermann who is just as rabid and nuts as Beck, just the opposite side of the coin. Most of you still claim libbies are always peaceful protesters which is sheer rubbish. So if you want to speak about phony outrage, look in the mirror.

I have pointed out the left's hatred in response to those who want to act like this kind of heated noise is just from the extreme right. The reality is, I have no big problem with what Beck or Olbermann says. They have the right to their views and I think it's healthy to expose the extremists on both sides. Most people reject extremism though and I don't think Beck or any of those on the extreme left, have been the cause of anyone doing anything. To think Palin or Beck, Maher or Olbermann, caused Tucson is as idiotic as those trying to connect MO's 'get moving' campaign with the rise in pedestrian fatalities.

RAB, I can't believe you are still defending the NBPP idiot. No matter how much you deny it, I person dressed in NBPP garb, carrying a weapon, has absolutely no business at a polling place. They are a radical, white hating group and you weaken your argument against Beck defending this nonsense. If this was a white supremacy group, they would have been tried and convicted. This was explicit voter intimidation and is far more serious than some pundit on the radio. There are laws against it, they just aren't applied when it is white hate in action.

Sorry Shug, but Beck HAS inspired kooks to carry out violence against his perceived poltical enemies and its on record.

Barry Williams against the Tides Foundation and ACLU comfirmed by his own mother.

Williams' mother, Janice Williams, described her son as "angry at left-wing politicians" and at "what's happening to our country." The Chronicle further reported: "Williams watched the news on television and was upset by 'the way Congress was railroading through all these left-wing agenda items,' his mother said.

And then theres Charlie Willison threatening Patty Murray for her HCR vote confirmed by his relatives.

Wilson's Threats Occurred Because He "Was Under The Spell That Glenn Beck Cast." A relative of Wilson said in publicly available documents filed in federal court that Wilson's "fears were grown and fostered by Mr. Beck's persuasive personality" and that Wilson's actions occurred because he "was under the spell that Glenn Beck cast." In a September 17 letter, Wilson's cousin wrote:

What happened later with Charlie is something I think I can understand. He became basically housebound due to illness and his small world became even smaller. His brother got him a computer and he was able to stay connected with family. And he watched television and found Glenn Beck... I found Glenn Beck about the same time Charlie did. I understand how his fears were grown and fostered by Mr. Beck's persuasive personality. The same thing happened to me but I went in a different direction with what I was seeing. Rather than blame politicians for the current issues, I simply got prepared for what Glenn said was coming. I slowly filled our pantry as Glenn fed fear into me. I did not miss watching his show and could not understand why the rest of the world didn't get it -- Glenn became a pariah to me. But I was finally able to step away and realize the error of my ways. The media lost its grip on me. But it still held very tightly to Charlie.

While his actions were undeniably wrong and his choices were terrible, in part they were the actions of others played out by a very gullible Charlie. He was under the spell that Glenn Beck cast, aided by the turbulent times in our economy. I don't believe that Charlie even had the ability to actually carry out his threats.​

So when you can come up with all those "isolated incidents" of Kieth Olbermann inspired violence, you do let us know.....mmmmkaaay?

Oh, and I have more examples.

The second thing is the NBBP example. I brought that up as the same network hosting and paying someone millions of dollars to put on the airways to "shoot someone in the head" who happens to disagree with him politically, was hyperventilating and clutching pearls becaue a black guy had a stick in front of a polling place in a black voting precint. Who was being intimidated and intimidated to do for McCain/Palin?

But your network also didnt have a problem with people who didnt disagree with him politically showing up at presidential public appearances strapped as we saw last year at townhall meetings. They were actually proud of them. The guns had no place there.

I dont expect you to return with anything coherent after what has just been laid to bear.
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RAB, there is little coherent in your response. To claim Beck incited these people to violence is as assinine as those who think video games caused Columbine. Just like the leftie media attempts to pull out a word here and there from Loughner's ramblings as 'proof' he was affiliated with or influenced by the tea party doesn't make it true.

There were black and white voters where the NBPP was stationed or do you think polling places are exclusively black or white? An armed, racist, hate group member has no business at a voting station. It is as inappropriate as placing a skin head or klansman there. You can dismiss this as 'clutching at pearls' but if the roles were reversed you would be screaming at the world. I know you refuse to see black hatred and black racism though so no matter what is shown to you, you will not see it.

People have the right to bear arms, even when the audience disagrees with the views of the speaker.

You're really reaching and you know it. I understand your desperation as libbies lose their socialistic stranglehold on washington. Some day you may understand the anger and reactions are in direct response to a leftist extremist agenda and the fact the people of America will not accept this.

RAB, there is little coherent in your response. To claim Beck incited these people to violence is as assinine as those who think video games caused Columbine. Just like the leftie media attempts to pull out a word here and there from Loughner's ramblings as 'proof' he was affiliated with or influenced by the tea party doesn't make it true.

There were black and white voters where the NBPP was stationed or do you think polling places are exclusively black or white? An armed, racist, hate group member has no business at a voting station. It is as inappropriate as placing a skin head or klansman there. You can dismiss this as 'clutching at pearls' but if the roles were reversed you would be screaming at the world. I know you refuse to see black hatred and black racism though so no matter what is shown to you, you will not see it.

People have the right to bear arms, even when the audience disagrees with the views of the speaker.

You're really reaching and you know it. I understand your desperation as libbies lose their socialistic stranglehold on washington.

Excuse me, but these individuals FAMILY members connects their violence to Beck. The anger began after watching Beck. What, Beck has to give him the gun and help him pull the trigger before saying he incites?

And are you giving the same leeway to an Osama Bin Laden disciple who carries out violence based on his words?

But explain to me how someone carrying a stick in front of a voting precint is intimidating but being strapped at political gathering is not? You seem to gloss over that one.

Oh, and sorry for the typo's in the last post.

If someone commits violence, they should be punished. If the family was so sure this man had lost his marbles after watching Beck, what did they do to intervene? What did they do to alert authorities, to get him help? Or is this just a way to be in the spotlight with their 15 minutes of fame? Hey, so called 'friends' of Loughner say he was far left. Are you buying it? You give Beck far too much credit for power over people.

There are explicit rules and regulations around polling places that do not apply to most other settings. These rules were broken but no one was held accountable. It is appalling that a group, labeled a hate group by the leftist splc, would be part of a national campaign to staff polling locations. No other hate group would have been dismissed as being 'no big deal'.

There are laws in each state that allows people to carry, carry concealed, whatever. Any speaker can book a venue and not allow firearms within the facility. They can't over rule public rules however, but if the carry laws feel threatening to them, they can find a venue where they can control the rules, even within the state in question. This does not hamper their ability to get the word out. A voter has no such ability to change or control the venue and must vote at a specific polling location. There are reasons why the rules around polling places are very explicit.
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If someone commits violence, they should be punished. If the family was so sure this man had lost his marbles after watching Beck, what did they do to intervene? What did they do to alert authorities, to get him help? Or is this just a way to be in the spotlight with their 15 minutes of fame? Hey, so called 'friends' of Loughner say he was far left. Are you buying it? You give Beck far too much credit for power over people.

There are explicit rules and regulations around polling places that do not apply to most other settings. These rules were broken but no one was held accountable. It is appalling that a group, labeled a hate group by the leftist splc, would be part of a national campaign to staff polling locations. No other hate group would have been dismissed as being 'no big deal'.

There are laws in each state that allows people to carry, carry concealed, whatever. Any speaker can book a venue and not allow firearms within the facility. They can't over rule public rules however, but if the carry laws feel threatening to them, they can find a venue where they can control the rules, even within the state in question. This does not hamper their ability to get the word out. A voter has no such ability to change or control the venue and must vote at a specific polling location. There are reasons why the rules around polling places are very explicit.

Party of WHO'SE national campaign to staff polling places?

Until you come up with something credible on that accusation, then FAIL!

And again, I ask you WHO was threatened or intimidated at the polling place? Punish those who broke the rules, but dont add to the story of facts you cant support with evidence.

But its a far cry from those who claim to be "friends of Jared" and those in the mans family who would have had much more exposure to those accused of Beck inspired violence.

But Im still waiting for all those Olbermann inspired nutcases to support your "everybody does it" mantra.
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Who was threatened? How about those who filmed it and reported it?

•Bartle Bull—Bull is an attorney and former publisher of the Village Voice. He has been a civil rights activist since the 1960s, working in Mississippi and throughout the South. He was New York chairman of the Robert Kennedy for President campaign. Bull testified at the April 23 Commission hearing. He was a poll watcher at the Philadelphia polling place on election day. He saw the two Black Panthers and testified that it was the worst case of voter intimidation he had ever seen, going back to the 1960s in Mississippi. He also testified that he saw voters approach the polling place, turn around, and walk away because they were intimidated by the two Panthers.
•Chris Hill—Hill testified before the Commission on April 23. He lives near the polling place. He was a registered poll watcher that day and testified that the Panthers were an intimidating presence. He heard them yell racial epithets at poll watchers. He saw voters turn around and walk away from the polling place because they were intimidated. He testified that black poll watchers inside the polling place were frightened. When he attempted to enter the polling place as was his right as a certified poll watcher, the two Panthers “closed ranks” in an attempt to block him, but he walked past them and in the door.

The law is supposed to be enforced regardless of the race of those intimidated. Because those who were intimidated were white, then you refuse to see there was an issue. But hey, it was mostly a black polling place so if the klan shows up armed at a mostly white polling place it's OK, right?

Malik Shabazz — the NBPP thug-in-chief — put out a nationwide warning.
“We will be at the polls in the cities and counties in many states to ensure that the enemy does not sabotage the black vote, which was won through the blood of the martyrs of our people.”
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