Giuliani is off his meds

Hey dipshit, Ike was president from 1053 to 1961. The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 is what paid for the Interstate system. Reagan was president from 1981 to 1989 - 20 years later. The size of the national debt when Reagan took office was $1 trillion. The size at the end of his presidency was $2.9 trillion (190 percent increase). In other words, when the numbers are placed in context, the national debt grew faster under Reagan than it has under Obama.
Thanks to the old drunken Irishman Tip O'Neil Vag.

And doubled the Nat'l debt... Hey, I was for it but just sayin'........... he DOUBLED the Nat'l Debt and it may or may not have been needed.

It was needed. The military was in a shambles under Carter. Don't you remember, idiot boy?

If you want peace, then prepare for war. That's what Uncle Ron did and it served us well.

It's not the military spending that killing us, it's spending on ineffective social programs.

No, he didn't, idiot boy! Libs has already told you it was Lying Tip who did that.
Libs is a pal / a friend. We have a few respectful disagreements on politics but also some agreements (which is more than typical these days). We generally agree on music, the bible, pot and pussy. I'm sure he doesn't see me as the 'be all, 'end all' in politics and I don't see him that way either so why don't you cut the crap. That isn't all there is to life by far.......:rolleyes:


Libs is a pal / a friend. We have a few respectful disagreements on politics but also some agreements (which is more than typical these days). We generally agree on music, the bible, pot and pussy. I'm sure he doesn't see me as the 'be all, 'end all' in politics and I don't see him that way either so why don't you cut the crap. That isn't all there is to life by far.......:rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point. You won't accept good sense and the truth even when it comes from a friend.

See Libs agrees with you on all those things you mentioned, but he's still got really good judgement in many areas. Sadly, you don't. He's also well read and well informed. Sadly, you aren't.

Never said that politics was all there is to life, so you're barking up the wrong tree there. But as big and as intrusive as we have allowed government to get, politics is a big deal. Hey, I'm the first one to wish that the government was far smaller and then we could afford to ignore politics. We'd all be much happier, but that ain't the way it is.

As usual, you zig when you should zag and vice versa!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point. You won't accept good sense and the truth even when it comes from a friend.

See Libs agrees with you on all those things you mentioned, but he's still got really good judgement in many areas. Sadly, you don't. He's also well read and well informed. Sadly, you aren't.

Never said that politics was all there is to life, so you're barking up the wrong tree there. But as big and as intrusive as we have allowed government to get, politics is a big deal. Hey, I'm the first one to wish that the government was far smaller and then we could afford to ignore politics. We'd all be much happier, but that ain't the way it is.

As usual, you zig when you should zag and vice versa!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

The thread is about Giuliani and it now seems his 'memory' has been jarred by photography.

My, my, puddin' n pie! Just another, Republican lie! :cool::cool::cool:

He's not jealous. You're just stupid. Clinton deserves to be bashed for the Lewinsky scandal. End of story.
Why? For a blow job? LOL! She did that to him which means it was consensual, not only that she was a trophy hunter (the little blue dress). Many, not all, of Donald's advances have been unwanted. :p:p:p

Why? For a blow job? LOL! She did that to him which means it was consensual, not only that she was a trophy hunter (the little blue dress). Many, not all, of Donald's advances have been unwanted. :p:p:p

Donald wasn't POTUS and didnt lie under oath. Clintons are history after November 8th and Hillary AND Obama will answer to charges of Treason and other crimes against America.

Why? For a blow job? LOL! She did that to him which means it was consensual, not only that she was a trophy hunter (the little blue dress). Many, not all, of Donald's advances have been unwanted. :p:p:p

Dummy, there are many more women than just Monica! Yes Monica acted consensually but many women did not.

You don't know much of anything about Donald so just shut up.

It's common knowledge, Idiot Boy! Have you been living under a rock for the last 20 to 30 years?

All you accomplish with foolish demands like this is to expose either genuine ignorance of a stunning nature or intellectual dishonesty.

Its common knowledge that Trump had people killed. C how that works?