Get out while you can

Upper management is so busy trying to be Abbie they have no idea what they are doing and don’t realize their pharma model doesn’t work. middle management, ad’s, and training are all just trying to keep a job. No one gives a shit about the reps. The environment is hostile and they are going to run it into the ground
Well said, very true

Well said, very true
Observation: This company has gone downhill since Stenhouse got here. Everything he has done has cost a fortune with no return on investment..... GI sales force completely unnecessary a million ISRS totally detrimental more than helpful in territories not to mention unnecessary, overlays Oh boy did we need those.
Just unbelievably wasteful of resources and horrible strategies
The only ones keeping this company afloat are PMRs period

Exact sciences is losing folks left and right. Genomic health folks have quit or have been fired the past few months. Exact sciences folks are being let go.
Redwood City is a ghost town.
The Exact Sciences culture is terrible and it won’t change. The arrogance in Mgmt is toxic.
A bunch of lawyers over their head with no clear direction how to engage or operate. It’s all about the money here. Screw the employee!

This company just turned into a COVID testing company. That’s their focus. The purchase in Arizona was a joke. Late to the market and won’t be reimbursed. hostile company. Senior mgt is a joke along with lady in compliance. Terrible person. “ Lock her up!” That was one of her quotes from Vegas.

This company just turned into a COVID testing company. That’s their focus. The purchase in Arizona was a joke. Late to the market and won’t be reimbursed. hostile company. Senior mgt is a joke along with lady in compliance. Terrible person. “ Lock her up!” That was one of her quotes from Vegas.

Speaking of Vegas, I hope our National Meeting isn’t there next year. I hope the company flies us to Miami instead.

This company just turned into a COVID testing company. That’s their focus. The purchase in Arizona was a joke. Late to the market and won’t be reimbursed. hostile company. Senior mgt is a joke along with lady in compliance. Terrible person. “ Lock her up!” That was one of her quotes from Vegas.

Written by someone who has no more self awareness than a dog licking its own ass in public!

This company just turned into a COVID testing company. That’s their focus. The purchase in Arizona was a joke. Late to the market and won’t be reimbursed. hostile company. Senior mgt is a joke along with lady in compliance. Terrible person. “ Lock her up!” That was one of her quotes from Vegas.

Wow, you are no better than a stain on a mattress, snowflake! Clearly a misguided moron who has no clue about how organizations are run! Further, the lady in compliance happens to protect your sorry backside from doing something stupid say like stick your finger in an electrical socket.... ohhh clearly by your inept comments and disposition that already happened!

If you think it is sooo bad, bounce joker we can surely replace you with a pop tart or even a potted plant and get the same ROI... Jerkoff!!!

Wow, you are no better than a stain on a mattress, snowflake! Clearly a misguided moron who has no clue about how organizations are run! Further, the lady in compliance happens to protect your sorry backside from doing something stupid say like stick your finger in an electrical socket.... ohhh clearly by your inept comments and disposition that already happened!

If you think it is sooo bad, bounce joker we can surely replace you with a pop tart or even a potted plant and get the same ROI... Jerkoff!!!

This x1000

Wow, you are no better than a stain on a mattress, snowflake! Clearly a misguided moron who has no clue about how organizations are run! Further, the lady in compliance happens to protect your sorry backside from doing something stupid say like stick your finger in an electrical socket.... ohhh clearly by your inept comments and disposition that already happened!

If you think it is sooo bad, bounce joker we can surely replace you with a pop tart or even a potted plant and get the same ROI... Jerkoff!!!

Do you have something to actually say, or are you just another anonymous tough guy hurling insults? What exactly did the poster say that was incorrect? Tell us all how a company runs.

And, in case you have noticed, there are plenty of people “bouncing” to other companies. If you think it’s great here, you either took this job because you were laid off somewhere else or this is the only job you’ve had. Here’s an idea - name one new initiative rolled out to the field in the last 2 years that went smoothly.

Exact sciences is losing folks left and right. Genomic health folks have quit or have been fired the past few months. Exact sciences folks are being let go.
Redwood City is a ghost town.
The Exact Sciences culture is terrible and it won’t change. The arrogance in Mgmt is toxic.
A bunch of lawyers over their head with no clear direction how to engage or operate. It’s all about the money here. Screw the employee!

I have never seen such a HOSTILE TOXIC work environment !!!

The PAY SUCKS for such a shitty little company !!

I’m out of here !!!!

  • Woody   Aug 22, 2020 at 02:56: PM
I have never seen such a HOSTILE TOXIC work environment !!!

The PAY SUCKS for such a shitty little company !!

I’m out of here !!!!
Question: Who would hire a.....complainer like you....? No one!