Generic Epipen / good luck selling Auvi Q

Why should we quit or be fired.....screw you, smug asshole. We didn't sign up for this, we were duped..with the kaleo cares donation program BS and the patient comes first BS. Someone should fire all of upper management including sending some to jail, the harassment (sexual and verbal), the price gauging of a life saving drug, trust me we would all quit if we didn't have families to support. If you want a job, where you don't need moral integrity and you love abuse, come work for's the kaelo way!

....I was a doubter at first, now that I have been in the field for a couple of months, I am converted and our doctors are thanking me everyday for having AUVI-Q back and for the affordability program that makes it easy for them....proof is in the numbers- not the bullshit on this site- did you see the below article in fortune? Glad I am with a winning organization...losers should leave- this company is not for you: