General questions about a Pharmaceuticals Sales Rep.

If your in High School today, by the time you graduate from college the job won't exist so don't worry about it.

You need to identify four or five area's or skill sets that the world (employment markeplace) will value four to six years from now and from those area's pick one that interests you and go from there. I would say anything involving data management would be good. Also college isn't the 'be all to end all' it once was ; don't overlook the trades. As long as people live in buildings/houses they will need people to wire them and put plumbing in . The biggest mainframe in the world is pretty useless if you can't get the power to it.

Agreed. My plumber charged me 400 bucks labor to install a water heater for maybe 2 hours of work...eve though he said it took 4.

He is self employed with low expenses. Good living.