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Genentech now has one of the worst reputations in the industry for laying off


I have seen so many colleagues come and go in such a short timespan. Robert Swanson must be rolling in his grave in disgust on how they have been treating employees like literal pieces of garbage. Extremely cutthroat and definitely play on favorites. The most ironic thing is those that have been cut have been some of the most successful and productive employees. It is disgusting and an embarrassment to this legacy.


I have seen so many colleagues come and go in such a short timespan. Robert Swanson must be rolling in his grave in disgust on how they have been treating employees like literal pieces of garbage. Extremely cutthroat and definitely play on favorites. The most ironic thing is those that have been cut have been some of the most successful and productive employees. It is disgusting and an embarrassment to this legacy.

Sorry to say. There’s no legacy. It has been gone when Roche took over. However, I do agree with everything you said. Genentech does shady layoffs For example, have a little crappy millennial not like you as a contractor. They sandbag you. Set you up to fail by making you think you are effing up. That’s the shady part. The group hate thinkers made it up to fire you. Next day, they call your agency, to let you go. HORRIBLE. But they thought it through with legal(lawyers). Genentech will soon be a shell with all the genetics and biosimilars in play. They won’t recover. They will need to make deep cuts to keep the silver lining for the higher ups. And the employees you ask? LET THEM EAT CAKE.

Sorry to say. There’s no legacy. It has been gone when Roche took over. However, I do agree with everything you said. Genentech does shady layoffs For example, have a little crappy millennial not like you as a contractor. They sandbag you. Set you up to fail by making you think you are effing up. That’s the shady part. The group hate thinkers made it up to fire you. Next day, they call your agency, to let you go. HORRIBLE. But they thought it through with legal(lawyers). Genentech will soon be a shell with all the genetics and biosimilars in play. They won’t recover. They will need to make deep cuts to keep the silver lining for the higher ups. And the employees you ask? LET THEM EAT CAKE.

One problem I see from the outside is that so many of these laid-off employees are having a hard time getting new gigs:
- Over-paid for their level/experience
- Very narrow knowledge and experience because of the large fat teams with so many people each doing a little bit
- Inflated egos from years of no or little competition

My advice: Plan to come back down to earth - it's not so bad

One problem I see from the outside is that so many of these laid-off employees are having a hard time getting new gigs:
- Over-paid for their level/experience
- Very narrow knowledge and experience because of the large fat teams with so many people each doing a little bit
- Inflated egos from years of no or little competition

My advice: Plan to come back down to earth - it's not so bad

Sorry pal but that is pharma not just Genentech....

Agree with many posters here! Nowadays, the fireable offense is some snot nose milliniel didn’t like you. There is no grown ups there in reflection to the upper management and CEO. Horrible place.

One problem I see from the outside is that so many of these laid-off employees are having a hard time getting new gigs:
- Over-paid for their level/experience
- Very narrow knowledge and experience because of the large fat teams with so many people each doing a little bit
- Inflated egos from years of no or little competition

My advice: Plan to come back down to earth - it's not so bad

I have to disagree with you. I know a lot of laid-off people including me and Genentech people are under paid by a lot. Everyone I know got higher paying jobs. Also, I was laid off a year ago and I still get calls asking for help from Genentech reps that can't get into accounts.

I have to disagree with you. I know a lot of laid-off people including me and Genentech people are under paid by a lot. Everyone I know got higher paying jobs. Also, I was laid off a year ago and I still get calls asking for help from Genentech reps that can't get into accounts.

What a supreme cluster! So glad they let me go last year!

Trust me, it's not only shady ass millennials, it's also shady ass 40+ who do behind the scenes with their higher ups to lay someone off-they probably are the shadiest because they've done it so long! Trust no one at Genentech. Get out while you can. The longer you stay, the less relevant you are outside.

What the other person said is true...people at Genentech are overpaid and do less work than other companies. That's why our work life balance is great and we can go to Napa for team builders. Unless you are 100% sure you won't be laid off and plan on staying forever to raise your kids, leave now!

One problem I see from the outside is that so many of these laid-off employees are having a hard time getting new gigs:
- Over-paid for their level/experience
- Very narrow knowledge and experience because of the large fat teams with so many people each doing a little bit
- Inflated egos from years of no or little competition

My advice: Plan to come back down to earth - it's not so bad

Very very true. Whoever wrote the above knows.

1. Genentech people aren't very productive. Both speed and volume. Sit on 1 project for many months. Can't multi task. People at other companies are doing a lot of things at once, and with speed.

2. Entitled attitude, inflated egos, and overlaid for their knowledge and skill set compared to candidates from other companies.

3. There are talented people occasionally, but it's a culture mind shift for ex-Genentech people to have a roll up the sleeves mentality and urgent get-it-done spirit. It's like comparing whether to hire hungry grad school immigrants or white trust-fund spoiled brats for the same job - the experiences and attitudes don't even compare, it's not even close.

Go away troll. Many former Genentech employees have moved on to successful careers at other companies. Agree that some are lazy and entitled but the majority are conscientious, smart, and talented. No problem here finding another job including several generous offers.

It seems you can’t hamdle the Truth. I didn’t stutter the first time. Like I said before. I would not hire a Genentech employee BECAUSE they are Lazy and Entitled. You can lick my bunghole while you ponder on that, Jack!

Ok fine-there are:
1-people who know how to bust their ass, know how to do their job technically/adapt quickly, and made out leaving Genentech.
2-people who coasted at Genentech whether it by their own volition (relished getting by) or because Genentech doesn't set give people real tool sets, left Genentech and failed because they couldn't adapt.

Regardless of which camp, the point is that Genentech has the reputation of #2 more than any other competitor.