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Genentech has finally lost its soul.


We should have seen it coming a few years ago. The money hungry guys in Basel have been slowly murdering our culture. They were also too inept to stop the senseless bio-onc expansion and close the financial gap from AHR. The so-called transformation is a code word for slow death. The ecosystem BS is an official death certificate for our culture. Robert Swanson is probably turning in his grave.


Ya Think, Captain Obvious? Like a few years ago? Not like 10 years ago after the acquisition by Roche? I’m so glad people are finally getting their head out of their sorry @ss. 2 + 2 = 4. I get it now.

We should have seen it coming a few years ago. The money hungry guys in Basel have been slowly murdering our culture. They were also too inept to stop the senseless bio-onc expansion and close the financial gap from AHR. The so-called transformation is a code word for slow death. The ecosystem BS is an official death certificate for our culture. Robert Swanson is probably turning in his grave.

been hearing about the doom and gloom of roche as far back as 20 years ago when they bought a majority share holding in the company.

roche didn’t create biosimilars and roche certainly didnt create Commercials gross domain building culture with untalented ADs with 1 report lolol.

Anyhoo made fat cash last year at this apparent dumpster fire of a company and will make a boat load this year. But dont worry doom and gloomers, Ill eventually get laid off or quit or, at this rate, retire from GNE 10 years from now making a quarter a million a year. And those cheap benefits. You know the 10% company 401k match, the fat bonuses, the LTI and the ever expanding benefits package, new buildings, new facilities. What a dumspter fire. damn roche approving the Hub, what were they thinking?!?!

And when I do leave Ill have a plethora of jobs and industries to choose from. So while all you field yahoo bitch and moan about the data not giving you credit towards your year end bonus, there are those of us who endure this bitching, and we are the ones with in demand skills. Science sells itself, as do discounts. Everything else you do in the field has a minor impact.

You who fear change are talentless hacks who might look good in a suit or a tight dress but you are just a hollow person of zero substance.

THANK YOU Roche for great pay, great benefits and keeping SSF a thriving center pf excellence!!!

been hearing about the doom and gloom of roche as far back as 20 years ago when they bought a majority share holding in the company.

roche didn’t create biosimilars and roche certainly didnt create Commercials gross domain building culture with untalented ADs with 1 report lolol.

Anyhoo made fat cash last year at this apparent dumpster fire of a company and will make a boat load this year. But dont worry doom and gloomers, Ill eventually get laid off or quit or, at this rate, retire from GNE 10 years from now making a quarter a million a year. And those cheap benefits. You know the 10% company 401k match, the fat bonuses, the LTI and the ever expanding benefits package, new buildings, new facilities. What a dumspter fire. damn roche approving the Hub, what were they thinking?!?!

And when I do leave Ill have a plethora of jobs and industries to choose from. So while all you field yahoo bitch and moan about the data not giving you credit towards your year end bonus, there are those of us who endure this bitching, and we are the ones with in demand skills. Science sells itself, as do discounts. Everything else you do in the field has a minor impact.

You who fear change are talentless hacks who might look good in a suit or a tight dress but you are just a hollow person of zero substance.

THANK YOU Roche for great pay, great benefits and keeping SSF a thriving center pf excellence!!!

Roche and/or formally Genentech dreamer... probably more like you'll "get fired" you minor impact slacker kinda person.