What else does she have to do on each day? She is pitiful and needs to go back to big pharma.
Maybe if she would have gotten of her ass and worked on a solution for the 501c3 issue BEFORE it happened instead of spending her days lurking on regional calls we would not have been in this mess. She had to know, MF knew back in December. In the mean time she continues to backfill positions for a drug that 90% of patients can’t afford.
Patty-Stop congratulating the contest “leaders” who will see the same payout as the last place rep.
The only thing she has in her playbook, besides insipid quotations, is measuring activity. She offers no new solutions and worse, refuses to challenge Dr. Frostbrain on his unrealistic expectations. I foresee massive layoffs without a dime of severance by the end of the quarter.Hilarious how the top reps in the company make no money
Hilarious? I don’t find it funny. It’s not right for a territory that completes an entire quarter with <10 NBRx and <100 TRx will take home a larger $ IC payout than a territory with a high volume. Higher sales volume = higher revenue for Opko. It’s Economics 101.Hilarious how the top reps in the company make no money
So JK and JV should continually be paid the most? Even if their volume drops each quarter? How is that fair? Just keep sending out resumes, loser.Hilarious? I don’t find it funny. It’s not right for a territory that completes an entire quarter with <10 NBRx and <100 TRx will take home a larger $ IC payout than a territory with a high volume. Higher sales volume = higher revenue for Opko. It’s Economics 101.
“The sky is falling! JK’s and JV’s volume has each dropped! It’s time for them to leave Opko! Let’s kick them both to the curb.” Agree?So JK and JV should continually be paid the most? Even if their volume drops each quarter? How is that fair? Just keep sending out resumes, loser.
Yet the territories with <200 TRx are the ones who notoriously talk a big game. Territory volume, both high and low, did not happen by accident. There was/is a lot of RSS performance involved, or a lack of. Low producing territories are the result of the RSS’s ho-hum performance.The poster is spot on; however, OPKO is taking money away from the top producing territories and allocating it to the lower producers. Either the runway is super short or Patty and Charlie are really not prepared to keep the company afloat. If time is almost up, they don’t care who gets what because the whole organization in total is what they are measured by. Territories that are producing less than 200 TRX’s can not be profitable to the organization. It’s only time, folks.
Lets throw everything at the wall to see if it sticks.And a new kicker! You only need one RX from a new doc! BUT ... the nation has to be at 102.5%! Oh yeah, like that is going to happen.
Same output either way.Today’s call was advertised as putting a big bow on Q2. However, it was the usual drivel, complete with slides with typos, and suck up reps telling their “what I did on my OPKO summer vacation” stories. Next time I’ll sign in to the call and take my dog for a walk and watch him take a dump. So much more satisfaction.