Gamunex vs. Gammagard opinions

To the last poster - you appear to have a CAPS LOCK problem. To prior posters - why post on a defunct board. Talecris does NOT exist as a company. As someone who has sold IVIG - they are all different with respect to manufacturing. While some people can tolerate one product, they may not tolerate another.

I am a 25 year medical device rep turned transplant patient. To hear reps saying that it doesn't matter to the patient is disheartening. The brand of IVIG definitely makes a difference; the difference between a trip to the ER for nausea, headache and vomiting, or going to the beach after a treatment. Please don't take lightly patient feedback about side effects. To those of us who use the product, the side effects are very real.

I completely agree. I was on Gammaguard for years, and had joint pain. I finally went to a teaching hospital, and they put me on Gamunex-C. It made all the difference in the world! Brands matter. Back then they wouldn't give me Gamunex-C because I think it was more expensive. They would never say; they just said they didn't get much of it, and it was saved for children. I finally left that facility, and went to a new one on the condition that they gave me Gamunex-C only. They agreed. All of my problems in my joints went away.

I completely agree. I was on Gammaguard for years, and had joint pain. I finally went to a teaching hospital, and they put me on Gamunex-C. It made all the difference in the world! Brands matter. Back then they wouldn't give me Gamunex-C because I think it was more expensive. They would never say; they just said they didn't get much of it, and it was saved for children. I finally left that facility, and went to a new one on the condition that they gave me Gamunex-C only. They agreed. All of my problems in my joints went away.

Ya we get it. You love gamunex. But for every story like yours, there's the opposite where Gammagard, or privigen had less side effects. You like your gamunex, great. Glad you found something that works. But no one product works for everyone.

I have been a patient that has taken Gammagard since for 17 yrs. Just recently, I moved to another state and had to get new medical insurance. They insisted that I need to take Gammunex C. I've taken it before, when it first came out and I did not get the relief I got w Gammagard. But, I figured4a, let me try. I can't express how incredibly nauseous, lightheaded and tired I feel after 4 of 4 weeks! I'm not sure if it's the Gamunex C as that is the only change I've had. I have 5 auto immune disorders and I'm not sure if it's causing symptoms in one of those or it's just that my body is so used to Gammagard. Will be discussing with my dr as today is the first time I realized it might be the Gammunex C.